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Quarantined Couple Gets Married On Their Balcony & It’ll Restore Your Faith In Love

Quarantined Couple Gets Married On Their Balcony & It’ll Restore Your Faith In Love

True love is something I grew up believing in- I used to look at my parents, hear the story of how they met and fell in love and I knew this is what I’d want to find when I grew up. I watched and rewatched films where the guy and the girl eventually found each other and lived happily ever after. But after a few heartbreaks and understanding the realities of life my faith in true love kept decreasing. 

However, recently during the pandemic, I’ve seen people go back to what it means to be cherishing each other fully. We’re seeing videos of camaraderie and harmony and people really understanding what they mean to each other. My Instagram is filled with couples practising social distancing, staying home and doing fun things like cooking a meal together or reading to each other. At a scary time like this, it’s important to have faith and be surrounded by as much love and warmth as possible.

To brighten up your day, we found a video of a Spanish couple getting married on their balcony as they were locked up in self-quarantine. 

Alba Díaz and Daniel Camino had spent months planning their perfect wedding and wanted it to happy and magical. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic in Europe (and all over the world), they knew that having a wedding was not possible. However, the lockdown of Spain because of COVID-19 did not stop them from taking their vows.



Diaz herself is a wedding planner and would have wanted her own D-day to be one for the ages- well it was. The point of marriage is to be together in happy and sad times and through sickness and health. 

The couple got married leaning out of the balcony, while their next-door neighbour officiated the ceremony. The entire neighbourhood came out in their balconies to witness the wedding and at the end, she even threw the bouquet to a friend who lived in the apartment opposite to hers. 

I’m actually smiling cheek to cheek while writing this. Quarantine and chill seems to be the new mantra. Guys, just remember, as long as we fight this together and know that there’s an end in sight, we’re good. Not losing faith, maintaining social distancing and washing our hands is key so let’s not stop doing that.


Stay safe and stay home! Also, Diaz and Daniel, you guys are just too cute. Thank you for bringing a smile to all our faces, we needed it.

Start your 2020 right with our cool new planners and statement-making sweatshirts that are fun, fab and 100% you! Psst… there’s an additional 20% off too, so head to and take it up a POP!


23 Mar 2020

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