Recently, the BCCI posted a picture of the Indian cricket team on their Twitter account and social media went berserk. The reason? The image also featured Anushka Sharma, the actress and captain Virat Kohli’s wife. The trolling started because people accused BCCI of favouritism, stating that the families of other cricketers hadn’t been allowed to attend the event at the high commision of India in London.
#TeamIndia members at the High Commission of India in London.
— BCCI (@BCCI) August 7, 2018
However, a source from BCCI said to a leading newspaper that there was no protocol breach in the process. “Anushka Sharma came to the reception for the Indian cricket team at the invitation of the high commissioner and his wife. The reception was hosted by the High Commissioner and his wife and not the High Commission. The group photo was taken as the team was entering the house. Ajinkya Rahane may have stood at the back on his own, he wasn’t asked to stand there. The reception was at the high commissioner’s residence and not at the high commission.”
The source also spoke about how the other family had permission to join the team. “This is the norm wherever the team travels. The High Commission invites the players with their relatives and it is eventually the decision of the individuals. Even in London, the players were invited along with their partners. There has been no breach of any protocol.”
However, according to recent rules, the board does not want the players to be distracted. Hence, their partners aren’t allowed to accompany the players for longer than two weeks on tours that last longer than 45 days.
So what do we call this?
Image – Instagram
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