Getting married to the love of your life and sharing the same space seems like a dream come true for many. While sometimes it is an oh-so-snuggly and comforting experience, other times it can become a pain in the you-know-what. When you actually start living with your partner, doing things together, say sharing the same bed, is when you actually come to know that it’s a situation that entails arguments and fights. Little things like who will open the door for the maid in the morning, or who will be the first to use the washroom can actually turn into bigger arguments. So much so that these take over your otherwise romantic life.
Dating, on the other hand, has its own perks like you don’t have to deal with each other on a daily basis. Which one is better though, dating or marriage? Well, this seems like an eternal debate and you can join in this debate. How? A Twitter thread about dating vs marriage went viral recently and netizens had a super cool response to it. Some shared their own experiences while for others the debate became fodder for memes.
DATING: can’t wait to see you again
MARRIAGE: part of your knee was on my side of the bed again last night
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) August 21, 2020
Here Are Some Of The Best Responses
We have picked the most relatable tweets for you. Read on to have a good laugh and be prepared to say, “That’s us”!
Loud? Who? Me?
The snoring, what about the snoring. My wife snores so loudly we have slept in the same bed for over two years!!! When I met her she didn't make a sound at night, these days the walls shake and the windows rattle!!!
— Michael Scott (@scottyburen) August 21, 2020
Where do you go? My lovely?
DATING: I miss you.
MARRIED: Don't you have some place you need to go?— Lisa Ferrel – My Fingers Fly (@myfingersfly) August 21, 2020
Don’t do it…seriously!
“I found one of your hairs on my pillow. Have you been using my pillow? Don’t ever, ever do that again.”
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) August 21, 2020
That’s valid
Same. I am a light sleeper and his snoring wakes me up. We now sleep separate. Apparently I snore too but I don’t wake myself up. 🤣
— Amy Hitchcock (@amy_hitchcock74) August 22, 2020
Picking what?
I enjoy sleeping next to my husband. He did try to clasp his hand over my face once. Me being a light sleeper caught his arm as it descended. “What the hell?!” His reply was that he was picking melons. 🤣
— Heather Katz (@ProfHKatz) August 22, 2020
Mine covered my mouth and nose in his sleep. Keep telling me to "Breathe!" When I broke free and woke his butt, he said we were SCUBAing, I ran out of air, and had to use his emergency regulator (his hand?) Per him, he's the hero in this story.
— Olivia Blacke (@oliviablacke) August 22, 2020
Wall of fame, maybe?
My wife got a body pillow when she was pregnant, and it’s been The Berlin Wall of our bed for the decade since.
— Joe (@spaceinajar) August 21, 2020
Don’t do that!
Dating: Sleeping face-to-face
Marriage: You were breathing on me again
— RenSolo9605 (female!) Aimeé (Richard_Sooner_Grohl) (@RenSolo9605) August 21, 2020
That’s a good one!
Honeymoon phase: cuddle under the covers together
Now: we each have our own king size blanket and we use the excess to form a barrier wall in the middle of the bed— Annabelle Damian (@DamianAnnabelle) August 22, 2020
A price you pay?
My side of the bed is a 10 inch wide precarious ledge. After 16 years of marriage, I can now sleep on the side of cliff like mountain climbers do.
— Senator Guy (@CenturionDude) August 22, 2020
Don’t touch, yaar!
DATING: Honey, let’s hold each other as we fall asleep!
MARRIED: (Reaching over to put my arm around my wife’s waist) “Stop touching me! Why are you always touching me!”
— Kevin Days (@kdays62) August 22, 2020
Living with someone can be tough initially. While being married is one of the best feelings in the world, it can sometimes get on your nerves. For those times, we have people like these who can give us a good laugh. Right?
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