Amid all the speculations, cricketer Jasprit Bumrah tied the knot with sports presenter Sanjana Ganesan in a hush-hush ceremony in Goa. And the cricketer put an end to the rumours by sharing some gorgeous pictures from their wedding ceremony. While these pictures broke the internet yesterday, more photos from their pre-wedding ceremonies have surfaced. And we must say, this was one of the most beautiful weddings we have ever seen!
We came across some adorable videos of the couple from their varmala ceremony and loads of other pictures from their haldi and mehendi. While we still can’t get over the adorable pictures of Bumrah and Sanjana’s Anand Karaj, their pre-wedding photos are just as beautiful.
We’ll begin with our personal favourite, Bumrah and Sanjana’s sangeet performance, that just blew us away. Take a look!
We also came across a photo from the couple’s mehendi ceremony and the glowing bride looks ethereal in the green lehenga, while Bumrah donned a contrasting baby blue sherwani.
Bumrah and Sanjana could not have looked happier than they looked in their haldi pictures. Sanjana looks gorgeous as ever in her yellow saree and we really wanna steal her statement jhumkas! But wait, there’s more! The lovebirds were showered with flowers by all the relatives present at the event and it’s as dreamy as it can get.
Now, we’ve seen some fun baaratis but Bumrah was the most excited one in this full-on desi baarat with dhol taashe! Seems like the cricketer just couldn’t wait to take his bride home. Watch the groom grooving with the baaratis.
We’re sure you’re still thinking about their perfectly coordinated pastel pink shaadi outfits but we just take our eyes off the beautiful varmala ceremony. The lovebirds just could not stop smiling as they exchanged garlands! Don’t believe us? Well, see for yourself!
TBH, we just couldn’t take our eyes off the smiling bride and groom as they took off in a vintage car.
Well, apart from the Anand Karaj photos, the couple has not shared any pictures from their pre-wedding festivities officially, and we’re eagerly awaiting them! When do we get a look, guys?
Feature Image: Instagram