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10 Adorable Illustrations That *Perfectly* Sum Up What Love Is

10 Adorable Illustrations That *Perfectly* Sum Up What Love Is

In relationships, sometimes little things matter more than grand gestures, right? In fact, it’s these tiny little moments that make love all the more special. We found some really adorable illustrations on LoveByte and we loved them so much that we thought we’d share some of them with you. They are all about what love is. So girls, take a look and smile!

1. Yeah, we love talking on the phone for hours!

1  illustrations by lovebyte

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

2. Well, a future with our loved one is always bright!

2  illustrations by lovebyte


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

3. We definitely get that feeling!

3  illustrations by lovebyte

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

4. Now isn’t that adorable?!

4  illustrations by lovebyte


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

5. Yeah, they happen all the time!

5  illustrations by lovebyte

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

6. Nothing feels better than the warmth of his hug!

6  illustrations by lovebyte


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

7. Haha…that’s important, we guess!

7  illustrations by lovebyte

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

8. We definitely want the time to stand still at moments like these!

8  illustrations by lovebyte


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

9. Yeah, that’s kind of true!

9  illustrations by lovebyte

Image: LoveByte on Facebook

10. Couldn’t agree more!

10  illustrations by lovebyte


Image: LoveByte on Facebook

Aww… These were adorable… *Heart*!

08 Jun 2017

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