After registering their marriage earlier this week, Vikrant Massey and Sheetal Thakur have finally tied the knot in a traditional ceremony as well. The two kick-started their wedding festivities yesterday with simple albeit fun pre-wedding functions. The pictures from their shaadi rituals are now going viral on social media. The two can be seen sitting in a vibrant mandap and looking absolutely radiant as bride and groom.
While Sheetal opted for a red lehenga complete with a kiran-trimmed dupatta, Vikrant can be seen dressed in a simple white bandhgala.
Here, take a closer look at the dapper dulha:
We have also found a picture of Sheetal from her choora ceremony. Just look how gorgeous she looks in that red salwar suit, nath, and kaleeras:
It is the simplicity of all their rituals that has us smitten here. In a world full of OTT celeb weddings, Vikrant and Sheetal have surely hit us like a breath of fresh air.
Here’s wishing the newlyweds a lifetime of joy and happiness!
Featured Image: Instagram