Freaking out about vaginal discharge? Worry not. All healthy vaginas produce fluid, which means it is perfectly natural for your vagina to secrete discharge on various occasions. However, it’s important to remember that not all vaginal discharge is the same (or healthy!). It can vary in colour, texture, and consistency and observing it can help you to understand your vagina better.
Nothing is more harmful than half-knowledge, and it’s important for you to know what’s going on inside your body to take care of yourself better. Understanding vaginal discharge will help you to recognize any sign of trouble early on and not worry unnecessarily when everything is normal.
What Is Vaginal Discharge?
Vaginal discharge is formed in glands inside your vagina and cervix. Your lady parts release fluids to remove the old cells that have lined the vagina and maintain the pH of your vagina. In simple words, your vagina is a self-cleaning organ, and fluids are secreted to keep it healthy and clean.
5 Types Of Vaginal Discharges & Their Meaning
Clear Or Watery Discharge
Clear or watery discharge is normal and you don’t need to worry about it. Even if it’s a little cloudy, that’s fine too ‘coz every vagina is different and so is the discharge. Also, your vaginal discharge depends on where you are in your menstrual cycle, as the fluids may come out a little thicker or thinner, but it is mostly clear.
Red Discharge
Brown or red (or bloody) discharge is usually normal, especially when it occurs during or right after your menstrual cycle. Moreover, a discharge at the end of your period can look brown. You may also experience a small amount of bloody discharge between periods which is called spotting. However, if you do notice an odd smell coming from your discharge, it is better to consult a health care provider or a doctor.
Green Discharge
If you spot green vaginal discharge, then it might be a sign of trouble. This discharge is often a sign that you have a vaginal infection and the common culprits are a yeast infection or vaginosis. It is also a common symptom of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhoea, or chlamydia. If you are experiencing green discharge, contact your doctor ASAP to get checked out.
Yellow Discharge
Just like green discharge, yellow discharge is also not normal and can be an indication of STIs. The colour might vary between pale yellow or green-yellow and the discharge might be accompanied by a foul smell. Make sure you consult a doctor right away if you ever spot yellow vaginal discharge.
Gray Discharge
If you experience foul-smelling greyish-white discharge, then it might be cause for concern. This type of discharge is mostly accompanied by itchiness, irritation and a foul smell. It is a sign of bacterial infection and you must visit a gynaecologist to get treated.
Just remember, all vaginal discharge is NOT abnormal! All you need to do is make sure you keep an eye on the colour and smell—and seek medical attention if you notice something is off.
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