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#BreakTheRules: 10 Things You Absolutely CAN Do At Work!

#BreakTheRules: 10 Things You Absolutely CAN Do At Work!

We’ve grown up with clichés all around us (thank you Bollywood!)… from monster incarnate mothers-in-law to docile bahus and ‘bubbly’ chachis…you get the point! And bosses? Always mean, horrid task-masters who’d inspire terror in the the most brave-hearted. Office life? Unhappy, stressful and soul sucking. A bit unfair, we think! In today’s fast-changing world we’re seeing these stereotypes busted, and it’s high time! The professional world is so much more open, fun and rewarding than it used to be and we’re going to take joy in celebrating every little thing you thought you can’t do in the workplace, but actually CAN!

1. Form Lasting Friendships

With the amount of time you spend at work, it’s only natural that you form connections with like-minded colleagues. No one’s going to judge you for being social, share a joke and a few laughs over a cafeteria lunch. What’s great is, when you’re having a bit of a downswing at work, your friends will be right there to hoist you back up. And quick lunchtime shopping jaunts, sharing lunch dabba’s, post work drinks – all easily do-able!

can do at work

2. Be Friends with the Boss

While respecting your boss (AND colleagues AND juniors) is a given, you may find yourself having a great personal equation with your boss based on shared interests. While a few years ago, you’d be seen as someone purely trying to ‘maskaa maroh’ the boss, no one’s going to blink an eyelid now!


At POPxo we can definitely vouch for this! We’re constantly socializing as a team, with the bosses included! Helps that they’re young and hip!

3. Flaunt your Personal Style

If tailored shirts and trousers aren’t your thing, you’re not expected to stick by it like a uniform! You’re free to express your personal style, as long as it is office appropriate. No more boring brown-beige-grey-white-navy-black colour palette either! Feel free to add a heavy dose of colour to your wardrobe without feeling like a misfit.

can do at work

4. Accessorize Right

Jewellery in the workplace was earlier considered flashy and distasteful. While we’re not suggesting you wear chandelier earrings or cocktail rings to work, smaller pieces are totally acceptable! If anything, they add heavily to your style statement. We love Tanishq’s MIA’s range of urban-chic jewellery, created specifically for the working woman. Discreet, without compromising on design, they’re perfect to add a touch of class and sophistication to your look. And at prices starting at INR 2999, it’s the perfect little gift for yourself when you close a big deal, or ace a presentation or get a raise, or just feel like some jewellery!


can do at work

5. Don’t Fear Judgement

So you like a couple of cocktails to take the edge of the work week? Or are in a live-in relationship with your boyfriend? 20 years ago you’d probably be labelled ‘loose’! No one’s going to judge you as long as your personal life doesn’t affect your work!

6. Experiment with Hair and Makeup

Red lips is for saturday night parties and shaadi’s only. Errrr, NO! Have an important meeting or presentation and need a boost of confidence? Putting on some make-up helps heaps in making you feel better about yourself. Keep the smokey eye and bronzer for post work, but there’s no need to hold back on all makeup.

can do at work


7. Encourage Extracurriculars

If you’re a salsa dancer, or take vocal training lessons over the weekend, or are doing a part-time diploma to widen your horizons, most organizations will happily encourage you! A happy, more stimulated you means a fresher and more productive mind at work.

8. Take Sabbaticals

If you feel like the daily routine is getting to you, and you just want to get away for a while to explore the world, or learn a new skill, or just spend more time with your family, take a sabbatical! An extended leave of absence is just what you need to open up your mind and come back with new, fresh ideas and tons of new experiences. The best thing is that no future employer will question the gap in your CV. They know that you’ll probably be wiser with the experience.

can do at work

9. Be a Lady Boss

If you’re assertive in the office, that’s because it’s your job! You’re in a senior position and just because you’re a woman, no one’s going to think you’re bitchy because you are not afraid to speak your mind.


10. Balance Family and Career

Yes, it is a juggle and a struggle, but most organisations are understanding of personal situations. If you’re recently married and need time off, or are having a baby, Human Resources will be more than happy to be accommodating and allow you to work flexi-hours or take a longer unpaid maternity leave. Some larger organisations also have a creche in the office so new mummies can work stress-free!

can do at work

Images: Shutterstock

*This post is sponsored by “Mia by Tanishq”


Mia by Tanishq has been particularly designed for today’s urban, independent women, who until now did not have much of a choice with formal jewellery. Inspired by the individuality of each woman, it truly projects power, confidence and taste. All the pieces are crafted in 14K gold, making the collection of over 300 designs durable and lighter on the pocket.

05 May 2016

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