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7 Ways To Spend *Quality Time* With Your Boyfriend!

7 Ways To Spend *Quality Time* With Your Boyfriend!

Well, we all want to spend some quality time with him, and are always on the lookout for some or the other opportunity to do that! But it’s time to get creative ladies! Here are some of the things you could do with your boyfriend to make some more wonderful memories and keep the spark alive.

1. Cook together

Cook anything – be it a simple dessert or a pizza or any dish you guys have been wanting to eat or the dish you both like! Choose one and just go for it. Preparing it together will make the food even more delicious!

2. Join a dance class

Dancing and learning new moves together will help you reconnect and bring you guys more close and intimate! And if it’s something like Salsa or Tango, trust us, the after effects are the ones you are going to love. 😉

2 things to do with your boyfriend


3. Movie marathon

Lazy Sunday and you don’t want to go out? What’s better than doing a movie marathon in that case?! Pizza + Movies + Pajamas = Perfect Sunday! Pick a genre and have a comfy movie date right there, on your bed or the couch.

Also read: 7 Adorable Ways To Surprise Him (Without Buying Him A Gift!)

4. Read a book together

And then discuss it from your perspective or if it’s a suspense/thriller discuss your theories! You can pick something from the Bestseller list and make the reading experience even better with this! #BestCoversationEver

4 things to do with your boyfriend


5. Play a video game together

Guys love it when their girls take interest in the stuff they like, sports and video games top the list. Play Xbox or playstation with him and show him your competitive and ‘oh am so awesome at this videogame’  side. Believe us, after the game you will get the best hug and kiss!

Also read: 9 Silly But Cute Traditions To Start With Your Boyfriend!

6. Go on an adventure

Plan a nice road trip together. There is a reason they say “It’s the journey that matters not the destination.” Just head to a closeby city, talk, listen to your favorite music, quiz each other on the way! It’ll be an epic journey!

6 things to do with your boyfriend


7. Watch the sunrise together

This, as per us, is the most precious and special moment to share with your partner. For everyone, sunrises hold different meaning. We think of it this way – the person you watch the sunrise with is the person you want to begin and end your day with. Every day. For the rest of your life. Isn’t that romantic?!

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

20 Jul 2016

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