When Dior got 25-year-old (at the time) Cara Delevingne on board for their new anti-ageing line, the brand got quite a bit of backlash. The reason for this was their choice to go with someone as young as her to promote anti-ageing products by the brand. As ridiculous as it sounds, there’s no denying that you have to start using anti-aging creams, collagen creams or serums by the time you’re 25! Too early, you think? The explanation is as simple as this – at 25, your skin slows down the production of collagen, and fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear. It’s at this time, that you need to use the right skincare products to ensure that your aging skin is taken care of right at the beginning.
Causes Of Aged Looks
Beauty Tips
Skincare Products
Before you begin to fret over your skincare routine at 25 and above, have a look at this guide that will ensure your skin looks forever young! But before we get there, you might want to know what causes the skin to age in the first place?
1. Your Attitude Towards Age
If you keep telling yourself that you’re old in the mirror, you will convince your body to feel that way. The key to youthful and happy skin is positivity and laughter. It’s a known fact that happier people have lesser health problems. It puts them out of the risk like developing heart disease, increasing blood pressure, or straining the facial muscles. Those who always put themselves in unpleasant situations tend to develop wrinkles and fine lines faster. Hence, the secret to youthful skin is actually happiness! And, you’re responsible for it.
2. Drinking & Smoking Habits
Anything in excess is bad for you. If you are a smoker, now is the time to quit the bud. Smoking not only damages your lungs but causes you to develop wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth. Don’t even get us started on bad teeth! Alcohol is another vice in this case. Drinking too often can damage your liver and cause discolourisation of the skin tone. Plus, it causes you to bloat in the unhealthiest way possible. You should stop when you have the chance.
3. Climate Speaks Volumes
Believe it or not, but the weather does have a huge say when it comes to affecting your skin. Too hot and your skin will dry oil, too cold and your skin gets flaky and dull. Getting a tan comes with its own share of problems too. Over a period of time, you could develop sunspots, acne and fine lines if you’re constantly exposed to the sun. Regardless of how hot or cold it is outside, always moisturise your skin thrice a day.
4. What You Eat, You Become
No amount of product you apply will work for you if your diet is not right. It’s okay to give in to your cravings, but not always. Stay away from flour, sugar, fried food, dairy products and you will never see a pimple on that skin ever again. On the contrary, consume more fruits and vegetables. Drink more water. Start with 6 glasses of water a day and then slowly increase the number.
5. You’re Always Stressed
Stress is one of the biggest causes of premature ageing. You need to calm down in life and start listening to your body whenever you feel anxious. When you’re tired, take rest. When you’re feeling anxious, take deeper breaths. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, sit down for a while to gather your thoughts. Instead of finding your solace in smoking and alcohol, go for a spa! Treat yourself to an aromatherapy massage or listen to calming music while practising yoga.
Beauty Tips To Help You look More Youthful
1. One of the best ways to fight ageing naturally is to consume foods that are rich in antioxidants. They help fight diseases and prevent wrinkles from forming. A bowl full of berries, spinach, seeds could help to revive your skin and it’s texture.
2. Whether you use a lightweight or heavy-duty formulated SPF, you need to make use of it. Every morning, before you step out of the house, don’t forget to put on some sunscreen. It’ll protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun and prevent sun damage.
3. Throughout the day, drink lots of water. Make sure you’re chugging at least 8-6 glasses of water on a daily basis.
4. If you’re using a scrub, make sure that you avoid ones that have microbeads in them as they can tear your skin and dry your skin out.
5. Out of moisturiser, no worries! Coconut and olive oil will do a fine job at keeping your skin smooth, hydrated, moist and supple.
6. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep is what you need for a good rest. 15 minutes before you hit the sack, turn off your mobile phone and put it away. Your room is your sanctuary. It’s a place for you to rest without anyone disturbing you.
7. Follow the CTM routine – cleansing, toning, moisturising. Why cleanse? Because it removes all the dirt, bacteria and oil from your skin. Why tone? Because in case you have a little makeup residue on your skin, it’ll remove that too. Why moisturise? Because it will keep your skin moist, hydrated and super fresh.
8. Yoga, meditation and taking deep breaths every day will keep your mind calm and your skin happy as well.
9. The only pillowcases you should be using are the silk or satin ones. Cotton pillowcases are known to suck all the moisture out of your skin.
10. When it comes to looking after your makeup brushes, make sure to wash them regularly. Keeping your brushes squeaky clean will prevent you from getting breakouts. You can wash them with water, baby shampoo and conditioner so that bristles stay soft and undamaged.
11. Before you start your day, instead of sipping on tea or coffee that has caffeine in it, you should drink a smoothie. A healthy drink with all your favourite veggies and fruits is loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
12. Use skin care products that do not contain sulphates, parabens or silicones in them. You see, these ingredients are toxic in nature and if used often on the skin they can strip it from its natural oils.
13. When you have free time on your hands, after cleansing your face, pat it dry and take in some steam. Post your steaming sesh, slap on a sheet mask. Remove after 10-15 minutes and there you have it, beautiful glowing skin.
14. In order to keep the membranes of your skin cells healthy, consume fish or take fish-oil supplements. They’re a rich source of protein and work towards making your skin look glam and fab every time.
15. Befriend makeup if you need an urgent fix. Apply a little bit of concealer to the inner corners of your eyes and the edges of your nostrils. This trick will instantly brighten your skin and make it look younger.
Also Read About Treatment for Crepey skin
16. Speaking of makeup, apply a little bit of blush on the apples of your cheeks so that your face instantly looks livelier and fresh.
17. Instead of going for matte makeup, stick to dewy makeup. Dewy skin is the best makeup trend to stick with if you want that radiant glow.
18. Try a home remedy like turmeric, honey and milk! All these ingredients work to get you the skin you desire. In a bowl mix a tablespoon of all three ingredients and use your fingers to apply the paste on your skin. Keep it on your face for a good 20-30 minutes and later wash the mask off with lukewarm water.
19. Another recipe you should try is lemon juice! The juice helps to remove blemishes and brightens up the skin. What you should do is make a mix using lemon juice and honey. Stir well and apply to your face. You can add water to the mix too if you feel that the lemon juice is too strong for your skin. Keep the mask on for about 15 minutes and wash it off with plain water. Twice a week for 4 months is good enough.
20. Why don’t you play around with your hairstyles? Shorter hairstyles like bobs, pixies, lobs – can instantly make you look younger and petite. Even a fringe would work fantastically well.
Skincare Products To Invest In For Youthful Skin
1. CTM Is More Important Than You Think
Cleanse. Tone. Moisturise. EVERY SINGLE DAY! This is rule number one, ladies. This will keep your skin fresh and ensure that its pH balance is maintained (which is an absolute must). Follow this beauty routine once in the morning and once at night before you go to bed. That’s all we ask of you!
POPxo Recommends: Kama Ayurveda Rose Jasmine Face Cleanser (Rs 375), The Body Shop Seaweed Oil Balancing Toner (Rs 995), The Face Shop White Seed Blanclouding Moisture Cream (Rs 1,752)
2. Day Cream And Night Cream Is Not The Same Thing
If you thought that using your day cream at night is good enough for your skin, then you’re wrong. The skin replenishes and repairs itself as you sleep. To aid this process, you require a night cream, in particular, that’s more moisturising and is more loaded with vitamins than a regular day cream. Apply a hydrating or corrective night cream and wake up to prettier skin.
POPxo Recommends: The Body Shop Vitamin E Nourishing Night Cream (Rs 1,095)
3. Anti-Ageing Serums Are MAGIC
The moisture boost and plumpness that a good serum gives you is unparalleled. If you want to give your ageing skin some TLC, make it a point to invest in a good face serum that contains Vitamin A and C. This penetrates into the skin, repairs it and gives it a beauty boost.
POPxo Recommends: Innisfree Jeju Pomegranate Revitalizing Essence (Rs 2,000)
4. Focus On Your Face AND Neck
Always remember this, whenever you apply any face pack or cream/serum, make it a point to apply it in circular motions on both the face and neck. While you tend to focus on the lines and wrinkles on your face, let us tell you that they appear on the neck too, and are just as visible!
POPxo Recommends: Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 Protection Cream Ph5.5 (Rs 1,382)
5. Skipping Sunscreen Is Not An Option
We say this every single time and will continue to do so because it really is that important. Even if you’re not stepping out in the sun, or it’s a cloudy day, make it a point to wear sunscreen always. This will keep any sort of age spots at bay and will minimise skin damage too.
POPxo Recommends: Kiehl’s Ultra Light Daily UV Defense Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50 (Rs 3,250)
6. Exfoliate Every Now And Then
Exfoliating your face once or twice a week will work like magic. This is because exfoliating dry and ageing skin not only scrubs away dead skin cells but also aids the production of new cells. While there are many natural scrubs you can make at home, even a store bought one can do the job.
POPxo Recommends: Khadi Natural Rose, Apricot & Walnut Herbal Exfoliating Facial Scrub With Shea Butter (Rs 390)
7. Facial Massages All The Way
A facial massage once a month once you hit 25 also works wonder in keeping your skin from ageing. It regulates blood flow and rejuvenates the skin like nothing else. Book an appointment with a professional who will do this right and make your skin benefit from it.
POPxo Recommends: Aroma Treasures Aloe Vera Gel (Rs 120) will be a good product to use when massaging your face at home. And for your eyes, use the Clinique Pep-Start Eye Cream (Rs 1,950)
Images: Shutterstock
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