Ever since Tejasswi Prakash and Karan Kundrra made their relationship official on Bigg Boss 15, social media has been obsessed with their romance. I bet by now, ‘shaadi kab hai‘ is the most asked question that the couple gets. Earlier this week, their breakup rumours caused a stir on the internet and had #TejRan fans worried.
Thankfully, that’s not the truth! In an interview, Tejasswi shut down the reports of her breakup with Karan. The Naagin actress shared that she is in love but she doesn’t want to talk too much about it. “I am a little superstitious,” said Teja.
But What Are Tejasswi’s Shaadi Plans?
While Tejasswi and Karan are yet to announce the wedding, their fans have been making speculations about their shaadi. The actress finally revealed why she has not opened up about her marriage plans. “Getting married is a very important thing in my life. I don’t think I would like to talk about it until it actually happens. I would like to keep it a secret. We are going strong. We are enjoying each other’s company,” said Tejasswi.
Honestly, nazar is real! I totally understand Tejasswi’s take on keeping her shaadi plans to herself.
What Caused Tejasswi & Karan’s Breakup Rumours?
#TejRan breakup rumours started when Karan posted a tweet, which was a poem about heartbreak. Take a look:
The tweet was hella cryptic and left many concerned. The rough translation of the tweet is— Neither your glory would have decreased nor your status would have decreased. Whatever you said in anger, you could have said the same with a smile.
Perhaps it was just a piece of poetry that caught KK’s attention. So, people should not be attaching too much meaning to it.
Meanwhile, I am just going to revisit #TejRan moments on the ‘Gram while waiting for their shaadi announcement.
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