Sonam Kapoor is known for keeping it real. Whether it comes to discussing the not-so-pretty side of pregnancy or sharing pictures of her postpartum belly, the actress never shied away from the realities of motherhood. Now, once again Sonam opened up about her prenatal and postnatal journey. And we’re in total awe of her honesty!
Recently, Sonam took to the ‘Gram and brightened our day with some helpful info. “My prenatal journey was quite different. I was very sure I wanted to have as much of a natural journey as I could that would lead to a natural delivery with as little intervention as possible. For that I decided to take help of ‘gentle birth method’ with Dr. Gowra Motha,” the movie star explained on her Insta stories. She also added a link of the book she was talking about.
Sonam further explained about how with the help of her doctor, she had an easy delivery and a smooth recovery process. “She was a practicing ob-gyn (obstetrician-gynaecologist) in London’s NHS and was disillusioned by the crude and detached way mothers were dealt with. So, she tried to find a gentler and kinder method. She uses a lot of Ayurvedic practices, creative healing and homeopathy. I’ve followed her blindly. I’ve had a natural birth thanks to all her teachings and I’m breastfeeding pretty easily…,” she said.
But Sonam did not only talk about what went right during her birth journey. The actress discussed how she dealt with hyper-pigmentation, like most South Asian women face during pregnancy. She said what helped her the most to combat this issue was using a sunscreen with tons of SPF.
Besides this, Sonam also revealed how she had super sensitive gums and teeth during pregnancy. She said that she had to visit the dentist twice, during the time she was carrying her son, Vayu. Sonam also shared her tips to avoid dental problems during pregnancy.
Lastly, her Insta stories also debunked the common myth that pregnant women need to eat for two. She informed her Insta followers how women carrying a baby need to eat only an additional of 350 calories. And how they should include movement in their day, especially if they were active before their pregnancy, she added.
Well, moms-to-be, don’t forget to take notes!
Featured Image: Instagram