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Glimmers, Reddit

People Share Their Glimmers, The Opposite Of Triggers, & It’s Heartwarming AF

While it’s important to be aware of your triggers, it’s also healthy to be familiar with your glimmers. What are glimmers, you ask? Well, they’re the absolute opposite of triggers, they’re the moments and instances that bring you joy and peace. It could be as simple as seeing a cloud that’s shaped like your dog or eating your favourite candy from childhood after years. And this Reddit thread where people have shared their glimmers, might just inspire you to seek out and recognise yours.

Take a look:

1. “✨dogs✨”


2. “When I see someone with a bouncy walk. When I find a good snack at the back of the fridge/cupboard that I forgot I had. When I fall asleep with damp hair and wake up, my curls are not frizzy. When I parallel park and get it perfect the first time. The period between finishing a good book and starting the next one where I can reflect on it. Finding a tasty recipe and I magically have all the ingredients at home and don’t have to go to the store.”



3. “Cats, hummingbirds, sunshine at the beach, ice cream, flowers, guinea pigs squeaking, my motorcycle, the ocean, date night.”


4. “For me- it’s gardening and seeing my plant babies blossom gives me the greatest joy. Making the perfect tea, just the way I like it, full moon, nature walks.”


5. “Smell of the rain after a long, hot and dry period. Sunshine entering my apartment (plus feeling those warm spots on the carpet with my bare feet). Completely rolling down windows when driving in a car (Plus if it’s night time and I’m not wearing a bra, that allows me to feel the wind on my chest). The sound of tree leaves hitting each other because of the summer wind. Holding hands with a man with a huge palm. Watching dark clouds take over the sky, right before a huge storm. Watching how moonlight ‘dances’ on the river. The smell of the naked chest of the man that I like. Laying down in a bed on those new. fresh, cold cotton non-stretch sheets. A hug. Sharp autumn morning air in the mountain village (and warm spearmint tea with honey).”


6. “My garden, my son, my husband, the blue sky, great smells, sunshine in the window by the breakfast table, cashmere sweaters… I really lean into the enjoyment of the senses and humour. If I get down, I start to list what I’m grateful for, and that really helps my perspective.”



7. “I’m autistic and these are some of the triggers that give me the most amount of serotonin

– Touching moss, specifically the longer, bushy ones are my favorite

– Finally finding a squishmallow that I’ve been looking forever for.

– When you pet a cat off guard and they do that little ‘Brr?’ noise.

– When you’re petting a cat and they get so happy that they start drooling everywhere.

– When kids become curious and ask me about my cane, it’s so cute to me.”


8. “Very small birds in my garden. Big men being soppy over small animals. When a random cat on the street wants to be my friend.”


9. “Calling my mom.”


10. “Not realizing it’s Friday until like midday.”



11. “I get an unreal amount of joy when I buy a new book (or five).”


12. “Sunshine on my patio, drinking a hot black coffee in the morning. Smelling a vanilla incense burning. Scuba diving and seeing the ocean from a new perspective.”


We all deserve to recognise and receive more of our glimmers.

27 Dec 2023

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