Ace Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor’s big fat wedding just concluded and it was a glamm affair. From the dulha-dulhan to the guests, everyone brought their A+ fashion game to the festivities and we are still not over the gorgeous pics. Kajol and Ajay Devgn’s daughter, Nysa was also a part of the celebrations and her pictures from the wedding are now going viral. Dressed in an elegant pink gown, she looks like a star. Here’s everything that we are loving about her outfit:
Nysa Devgan Channeling Baby Doll Vibes In London
For Kanika Kapoor and Gautam Hathiramani’s London reception, Nysa opted for a bubblegum pink gown that is fuelling our sartorial fantasies at the moment. The gown has a sweetheart neckline and a flattering fit that looks great on the star kid. She has matched it with a compact bag in white, a dainty necklace, and hoops. Nysa wore her hair down and opted for soft, dewy skin, which complemented her look really well. It is the simplicity of her look that has our eye.
The pink gown reminds us of Gwyneth Paltrow’s iconic pink dress from the 1999 Academy Awards.
The outfit is just perfect to wear for a wedding reception where you want to make an impact without stealing the thunder. Oh and we CAN NOT get enough of that delicious hue!
Love Nysa’s suave look as much as we do? Here is a Zara dress that is sure to impress you:
Here’s another pick by H & M for those seeking a less risqué option:
We are sure you will receive a lot of compliments when you recreate Nysa’s pretty, pink look. Give it a try and tell us how it went.
Featured Image: Instagram