The world became a happier place when soon-to-be parents Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover announced their pregnancy. The happy couple are all set to welcome their li’l one sometime this year and can’t wait to foray into the world of parenthood. A few moments ago, Karan penned a note about his fatherhood journey and well, we’re totally crying happy tears.
Karan took to the ‘Gram and revealed his thoughts when he heard that he and Bipasha will be parents soon. His note read, “It’s a combination of numerous feelings. All new but somehow familiar…not familiar like I’ve done this before but more like I’ve felt this in my most precious, most beautiful dream, like almost embedded into my DNA. A feeling so intense that I haven’t brought to the external surface of my being because I was afraid that I would explode into fireworks made of joy.”
The television actor was also not afraid of talking about the hardships women face during pregnancy. “It’s been the exact same feeling every minute of every day since then. Every step of the way witnessing what a lady goes through during this time, just witnessing the infinite, unspoken, unexpressed and sometimes unnoticed hardships that she goes through for this unfathomable miracle to happen inside of her…it’s just for me the truest explanation of what unconditional love is, what god is, what a creator is. I just catch myself wondering through the chaos of these months, that how come we all just don’t talk about this all the time?” he expressed.
And that’s not all. Karan also gushed about mommy-to-be Bipasha and expressed his wonderment about women and their ability to create and nurture life. And NGL, this moment left us reaching for a box of tissues. He said, “I feel myself constantly changing, constantly trying to understand how to make things better and make myself better. I’m constantly in a state of gratitude just to be a witness to this miracle of a woman, creating a life within her and making it look like it’s all just a part of her day. I think I was just waiting to express what I felt in words”.
Well Karan, we’re out of words! We know you’ll make an amazing father and you li’l one is going to be one lucky munchkin.
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