Kangana Ranaut has been on a spiritual journey for some time now. When she’s not shooting for new films or walking the ramp for fashion designers, she is connecting with The Mystic, and quite literally, we mean. It was only a couple of weeks ago when the actress visited Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore soaking in the divine. And yesterday, she went further ahead on her path in an immersive live webstream with Sadhguru on ‘In Conversation With the Mystic’.
A yogi, a visionary and profound mystic of our times, Sadhguru is that prominent spiritual leader who needs no introduction. But it would be great if Kangana could introduce us to the reason behind her pearl necklace.
At first, I really liked how the layered pearl necklace made a simple chiffon saree look anything but basic. A dainty floral print on a light pink saree and white jewellery is a ‘good to look at’ combination, no?
Until I closely noticed a brooch-like embellishment on her necklace.
It had a bee embellished on it which made me wonder ‘WHY?’
The big pearls layered together were statement enough for the elegant saree, the bee (with pearl wings) made the whole OOTD look off. I’m not saying the necklace is off-putting, no! We really appreciate fashion that ‘bugs’ us, in a good way. It’s just that the necklace isn’t doing justice to the saree and the saree isn’t doing justice to the necklace. Wear them separately and you have two stylish outfits to flaunt.
It’s just looking OTT and not the kind that we like. What do you think about this girl in pearls?
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