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Is Your Period Late? 12 Ways To Make It Turn Up!

Is Your Period Late? 12 Ways To Make It Turn Up!

Periods are never pleasant – they’re messy, annoying and those mood swings are not fun at all! But when they don’t show up, you may also actually miss them! Ladies, if there’s anything more annoying than your period, it’s a late period! The stress of worrying about when it will happen and those prolonged PMS symptoms can drive us nuts. So, we give you a few ways to help make your period happen. Instead of waiting around, why not try these easy ways to induce a late period?

How To Make Period Come Faster If It’s Running A Bit Late

No longer do you need to worry about your delayed period, for our tried and tested hacks will definitely help you out on your way!

1. Take A Day Off From Life

One of our favourite hacks on how to induce a late period is canceling on life. Cancel your plans, call in sick from work and just laze around binge-watching your fave movies with a tub of ice cream.

Stress can hold up your period – so a relaxing, stress-free day doing absolutely nothing could be just what you need for Aunt Flo to show up.


2. Sync Up With Your Besties

How to induce your period

We all know about the phenomenon of women’s cycles syncing when they spend a lot of time together. It’s still not understood why – but if you have a sister or bestie, then you would know that it’s actually freakishly true.

Hormones talk! Take advantage of it and spend time with women who are on their period, as much as you can – it will help. Don’t trust us? Ask your besties on their tricks on how to induce periods!

3.  Drink Some OJ

Fresh fruit juices like orange juice and pineapple juice are delicious home remedies as they are “heat-inducing” and get your body temperature up.

This can help bring on your period. Vitamin C is always a good idea if you want to induce your period. So the next time you worry about how to induce a period, you know that all you need to do is to chug chug chug!


4. Just Have Sex!

How to induce your period

Not as if you need any reasons, but sexual activity stimulates blood flow in the pelvic region and causes the uterus to contract. After sex, the vagina relaxes, which triggers the uterine lining to shed. So if you’re sick of waiting for your period to appear, just grab your man and ask him to help 😉

5. Add Some Parsley

Emmenagogues are herbs that help stimulate blood flow to the pelvic and uterine region, which can help bring on your monthly visitor. Parsley is one such herb. People say that chopping up a bit of fresh parsley and boiling it with your tea, strain, and drinking a cup or two every day might actually help!

Rosemary and sage are also known to be effective emmenagogues. So always have these on hand so you don’t have to worry about how to induce a late period!

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6. Take A Hot Bath

How to induce your period

Warm water helps relax your body and ease emotional and physical stress. Add a few drops of essential oils to the water and soak in it for a while to de-stress. You can massage your legs, arms, and scalp to improve circulation. Trust us, you won’t even need to search ‘how to induce late period’ after this!


7. Step Up/ Cut Down On The Exercise

Exercising is one of our favourite remedies when it comes to how to induce a late period. It releases endorphins or happy hormones that cut down stress, and reduce estrogen levels, which can help your period show up.

However, working out a lot can also be counterproductive as too much of it can actually cause stress on your body and chase your chummies away.

8. Ask Your Gynae If You Should Get On The Pill

How to induce your period

Birth control pills are an extremely common treatment for regulating your period. Depending on whether you want it to come early, regulate it or not get it at all – there are different types of hormonal contraceptive pills to try.

While the most common ones really do help your period show up, you MUST consult a doctor and only take medically-prescribed pills, otherwise, you may end up with harmful side-effects. But once you’ve got the clean chit, these prove really effective when you’re worrying about how to induce delayed periods.


9. Aspirin To The Rescue

Did you know that your faithful aspirin can not only relieve your headache but can also be your answer to how to induce a late period? Many people believe that taking two crushed aspirins with some honey and water can help induce periods.

This is because aspirin can potentially act as a blood thinner, and while this could lead to a heavier flow, there is no reason why it could not be tried. However, do consult your doctor before you do!

10. Some Good ‘Ol Ginger

How to induce periods naturally

A traditional remedy when it comes to inducing late periods, it is believed that ginger causes your uterus to contract, thus helping you to induce it faster. But you don’t have to consume it in its raw form, best ingest a ginger tea along with some honey and lemon juice!


11. The Turmeric In Your Kitchen

Is there anything that turmeric can’t possibly solve? It works on the progesterone and estrogen levels in your body, thus helping you induce your period. Simply add some turmeric powder to your lukewarm glass of milk and gulp it down like your period depends on it!

12. Find Out Why

Get to the root of what’s delaying your period. Pregnancy, periods delay tablets, weight, and diet are common things that can cause late periods. Iron deficiencies and stress also play a big role. If your period being late is something that happens often, then you definitely need to visit your doctor start to get to the bottom of it.

What Causes Late Periods?

While there is a lot for you to try when it comes to inducing a late period, let’s take a look at all the reasons that could have caused a late period!


reasons for getting late periods


The number one cause of late periods, stress can significantly affect your cycle and can cause your period to come late! Not only does it throw your hormones off kilter, but it also affects the part of your brain that is responsible for regulating your periods!

Low Weight

Yes, it could be a reason behind your late period. Women with eating disorders often experience missed periods, and often have to resort to birth control pills to induce them. So, if your weight is even 10% less than the accepted range for your age group and height, chances are that it will affect your ovulation cycle.


The ultimate dread, PCOS is a condition in which your body produces more male hormones than female hormones. This hormonal imbalance causes cysts to form in your ovaries, which can cause your ovulation cycle to become irregular.

Birth Control

The change in your period cycle could also have been caused if you’ve ingested some birth control pills recently. This is because these pills again contain hormones, and the resultant imbalance could alter your menstrual cycle.


Chronic Disease

reasons for getting late period

As simple as it sounds, chronic diseases do have a way of altering your ovulation cycle. However, worry not, for your body will bounce back to normal as soon as its functioning and healthy!

Delayed periods are not only irritating but are also worrisome. If these methods don’t really solve your problem, do make sure that you book an appointment with your gynecologist!

Images: Shutterstock


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05 May 2016

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