While breastfeeding is one of the most cherishable moments for mums, this experience doesn’t come that easy, especially at first, when you are unaware if you are producing enough breast milk to suffice your little one’s needs. One way to determine if your little one is getting enough breast milk is by keeping a watch out for their pooping and peeing schedule. If they need routine diaper changes, it indicates that they are getting enough breast milk, but if they are only getting 2-3 diaper changes, it means that your breast milk supply could really use a boost.
We have discussed some effective ways to boost your breast milk supply naturally to help meet your munchkin’s nutritional needs and encourage healthy growth and development in them.
9 Ways To Naturally Increase Your Breast Milk Supply
Evaluate Your Baby’s Latch
A poor latch is one of the main reasons for the low breast milk supply in mums. Hence, you must ensure that your little one has a tight latch with their lips covering most of your areola. This will help your baby feed properly and drain milk from your breast, stimulating your body to produce more milk. If you aren’t sure how to determine your baby’s latch, then contact your lactation consultant for guidance.
Breastfeed Frequently
Breastfeeding typically works on a supply-and-demand system. This means that the more often and longer you breastfeed your little one, the more milk your body is going to produce. If you need guidance on breastfeeding, then consult a lactation expert who can teach you breastfeeding positions and techniques to make sure your little one is getting enough milk during each feeding session.
Invest In A Breast Pump
Another way to stimulate breast milk production naturally is by using a breast pump. Use a breast pump to express your breast milk after or in between feeding sessions. If you are exclusively pumping for your child instead of breastfeeding, then you can consider adding extra pumping sessions during the first few weeks and then continue pumping for a few more minutes after the flow of your breast milk has stopped.
Consume A Nutritious Diet
Consuming a healthy diet rich in lactogenic and anti-inflammatory foods can ensure proper nutrition and also help boost your breast milk supply. According to Dr. Pooja Marathe, Community Expert at BabyChakra, “Choosing the right kind of galactagogues which include flax seed, garlic, fenugreek seeds, sesame seeds, barley, and oats helps to boost the milk supply naturally. There are a few herbal medicines that also help in boosting the milk supply. This well-balanced diet and good hydration will allow the mother to have an adequate amount of milk supply.”
Drink Plenty Of Water
Your body cannot produce sufficient milk if you are dehydrated. Hence, you must pay special attention to keeping yourself hydrated. In addition to the recommended eight glasses per day, your doctor may advise you to add another four glasses of water to maintain hydration and encourage milk supply. Drink a glass of water with every meal and nursing session to maintain your hydration goals and keep your breast milk flowing.
Snack On Some Lactation Cookies
You can easily buy lactation cookies at stores or make some on your own. While there is no research available on the benefits of consuming lactation cookies, some of the ingredients used in the recipe are linked to boosting breast milk supply. Examples of these lactogenic foods include wheat germ, whole oats, flaxseed, and wild asparagus. These ingredients contain high amounts of galactagogues, which promote lactation and stimulate breast milk supply.
Sleep Whenever You Can
Get restorative sleep as often as you can and nap during the day when your baby is sleeping. Getting enough rest can help your body recover from labour and childbirth and help stimulate the production of breast milk naturally.
Find Ways To Reduce Stress
Learning to breastfeed and establish a routine can be challenging, but too much stress can take a toll on your body and hamper your breast milk supply. That’s why you try to reduce stress and practice de-stressing activities like breathing exercises, light yoga, and indulging in relaxation and self-care rituals. Just be patient and delegate some of your work to your family members and partners so that you can rest up as much as you want to. This will help you remain calm and help your body function effectively to produce more breast milk.
Work With A Lactation Consultant
If you feel that the above remedies aren’t working or you are unable to produce enough breast milk, then we recommend you seek consultation from a lactation consultant. A lactation expert can help determine the exact issue and also teach you some breastfeeding positions to help ensure your little one is getting sufficient milk. Often only a few moderations in your feeding position and your baby’s latch make a world of difference and elevate your breastfeeding experience.
Breastfeeding offers multiple nutritional benefits for your little one and is optimum for their healthy growth and development. That’s why you must ensure that they are getting enough breast milk and employ home remedies if you are experiencing a low milk supply. The tips mentioned above can help increase your breast milk supply naturally and ensure that your munchkin’s nutritional needs are met. If you have any other concerns or have trouble breastfeeding your little one, then you should consider consulting a lactation expert for more advice and guidance.
Also read:
Foods to increase breast milk supply: Experiencing low breast milk supply? Add these lactogenic-enriched foods to stimulate your milk production naturally.
Different breastfeeding positions: Check out these breastfeeding positions and helpful tips to make this experience smoother for you and your little one.
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