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How To Take Care Of Your Hair After Rebonding It

How To Take Care Of Your Hair After Rebonding It

The temptation of silky, straight hair is enough for many of us to want to get our hair rebonded. But while those effects only last till your hair grow out, the after-effects are much more long-lasting. After all, it is a chemical process that weakens the health of your strands. We help you nurse your precious locks back to health with a few tips on taking care of your hair after rebonding. These will help you fall in love with your locks all over again!

The After-Effects Of Rebonding

care for rebonded hair

Sure, you finally have amazingly straight hair now minus any effort at all. Wash and go makes your life so much easier, but thanks to all the chemicals, your strands suffer these side effects.

  • Your strands become weaker and fragile
  • Extreme dryness
  • Rough brittleness
  • Hair loss
  • Rebonded hair is more susceptible to sun damage
  • Touch-ups on new growth can further weaken your hair.

After-Care Steps To Follow

Rebonded hair requires extra love and attention because it is extra sensitized thanks to the harsh chemical processes.


1. Use The Right Products

It’s super important to use the right products for your chemically treated hair. Use the shampoo and conditioner your hairstylist recommends for your rebonded hair or products that are designed for straight hair. You can’t use the same products you were using before your hair was rebonded.

2. Sun Protection To The Max

care for rebonded hair

Your already damaged hair is more fragile and prone to sun damage, so we don’t need to tell you twice how important it is to keep your locks SPF-protected. Wear a cool hat to keep your hair protected and make a fashion statement, invest in products with SPF-protection and try to stay out of the sun as much as possible. UV damage leads to even more dryness, frizziness and brittleness.

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3. Moisturize As Your Life Depends On It

Keep your conditioner on for 10 minutes, try a deep conditioning hair mask a couple times a week, oil your hair, go for a professional hair spa – basically anything that nourishes and conditions your hair. Your strands are weak and dry even if they may look straight and silky, which means you need to do your bit to nourish and moisturize your locks like never before. It’s the only way to strengthen your strands, reverse dryness and prevent hair loss.

4. Leave Your Hair Alone

care for rebonded hair

Once you have chemically straightened your hair, don’t even think about trying something for a long time. No colouring or any other chemical treatments AT ALL – it really will wreck your mane for good since it’s already extra sensitive and fragile now. This also means that you need to cut down on heat styling, no blow drying or curling. If you must use a hair dryer, use it on the cool setting. Let your hair just be for at least 6 months to help it recuperate.

5. It Deserves A Bit Extra

We’re always being a mummy and nagging you about what you should and shouldn’t be doing for the sake of your hair. This time is no different – except that with rebonded hair, you really can’t afford to slack. Wash your hair with cool water instead of warm as hot water robs moisture from your already-dry strands. Get a trim regularly to get rid of split ends and ensure that your locks grow long and strong. Don’t over-wash your hair and always use a serum to act as a barrier against external factors. A balanced diet is imperative; nuts, fish, proteins and leafy greens help give you stronger, shinier hair.


Images: Shutterstock

MUST READ: Are You Washing Your Hair TOO Often For Your Hair Type?  

MUST READ: Shiny, Sleek, Straight: 7 Super Tricks For Ironing Your Hair 

05 May 2016

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