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Listen Up, Ear Pimples Are Real & Here’s How To Keep Them At Bay

Listen Up, Ear Pimples Are Real & Here’s How To Keep Them At Bay

In terms of troublesome skin issues, ear zits might just beat out eczema and whiteheads for the top spot. Pimples can find their way into your ears, which is incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes even painful to deal with. As if worrying about maintaining a clear complexion wasn’t enough. So we performed a thorough study to find out why ear pimples form and how to avoid this painful skin condition in the first place. Take some notes as we share four tips for permanently removing bothersome pimples from your ears. Check it out!

What Are Ear Pimples & How Do They Form?

Pimple in Your Ear: Why You Get Acne in Your Ear and How to Treat It | SELF

Pimples on your ears are similar to pimples on your face. Pimples form when high levels of oil get buried beneath cells that cling together, causing a bottleneck in the follicle. Pimples can appear almost anywhere on the body, but they are most common in areas where there is oil activity. This includes your face’s T-zone, the neck, the chest, and even the ears. The insides of your ears are prone to clogged pores and high levels of oil, which is why pimples commonly appear there.

Here’s How You Can Prevent Ear Pimples

You might be wondering how to avoid ear pimples in the first place now that you know how they crop up (figuratively speaking). Spoiler alert: it’s not all that different from how you care for your face. Check out these five best ear pimple prevention tips below.

Cleanse Your Ears Well

Acne prevention begins with a good face wash, and the same principle applies to your ears. Disinfect your ears as well as your face with a foaming or salicylic acid-based cleanser. There’s no need to develop a six-step skincare routine for your ears, but a regular wash can help manage oils and prevent clogged pores in your ear canals.


Keep An Eye On Your Earwax

Regular earwax can, as stated earlier, become occlusive if it is allowed to build up. And if you use something in your ears on a regular basis, such as earbuds, that combo can easily confirm being an extra hit for causing ear acne. If you’re prone to earwax buildup, avoid the temptation to use a Q-tip to swab inside your ear. The best option is to try an inner-ear rinse.

Oh Boy, Prevention Is Better Than Cure!

Acne is always a possibility, so it’s critical to have a strong maintenance plan in place to keep your acne at bay—even after the zits have subsided. This could include a pimple-fighting cleanser, a retinoid treatment, and an emergency spot treatment. If you don’t have a strategy like this, you should seek advice from a dermatologist.

But apart from that, avoid using comedogenic products on your face or around your ears, as they will clog your pores and put you at risk for more acne in the future. Instead, look for products that are non-comedogenic (won’t clog your pores).

Take Care Of Your Hair Wash Routine

The perfect reason for ear pimples can be found if you’ve ever washed your hair only to discover shampoo or conditioner in your ear a few hours later. Conditioner dries sticky and can easily jam up your pores, resulting in ear pimples. Fortunately, the solution is simple: after washing and conditioning your hair, make sure to clean the inside and behind your ears. The same is true for hair masks and other leave-in conditioners.


Be mindful of all of your other hair care products in addition to your wash day routine. Hair products that get on the skin and clog pores can cause acne at the hairline or on the forehead. The same holds true for your ears, especially if you use hair care products like hair spray, as they can easily get inside your ear, clog pores, and cause ear pimples.

Visit Your Dermatologist

Although whiteheads are the most common type of ear acne, blackheads can also occur because of the ears’ propensity for clogged pores. Ear blackheads are commonly large and impacted, necessitating physical removal. It’s never a smart option to squeeze pimples or extract blackheads on your face or ears at home. It’s difficult to get a good look inside your ear, so leave extractions to your dermatologist. They have the tools and expertise to extract blackheads properly while reducing the risk of scarring and infection.

Try this routine and thank us later!

Featured Image: Instagram

16 Dec 2022

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