What’s the maximum you’ve spent on a dustbin? I recently bought one for Rs 400 and I am still questioning my decision. While I was still not over my pricey purchase, I came across a post where the internet was discussing an expensive dustbin from Gauri Khan Designs!
Guari Khan, who has designed many celebrity homes, recently joined hands with Tata CLiQ Luxury to list some of her products, including a compact dustbin. What makes this dustbin stand-out is not the design, but the price tag! The product is listed for Rs. 15,340! And the middle-class is processing this information via hilarious comments on the internet.
Here, take a look

The website is also selling a shell lamp for Rs. 1,59,300

BRB, recovering after seeing the price tag!

Both the products are not listed on the website anymore. But what comes on the internet, stays on the internet!
Featured Image: Instagram