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11 AMAZING Comedy Videos *Every* Girl Needs To Watch!

11 AMAZING Comedy Videos *Every* Girl Needs To Watch!

It’s a mad, mad world out there and once in awhile, a girl needs her dose of stitch-in-the-stomach, tears-in-the-eyes laughter…just to maintain her sanity, you know! So, ladies, snuggle up in your comfy bed with a piping cup of coffee (or chai, if you are a chai lover!) and watch these funny videos apt for every Indian girl!

1. Girls Buying Condoms

If you are a sexually active woman, chances are that you have bought a pack of condoms (or at least, tried to buy one) and you have discovered that it is not the most comfortable thing to do! This video from the team of Girliyapa is hilarious! And don’t miss the guy at the back… So freakin’ relatable!

2. Sanitary Napkins | Things They Wouldn’t Let Me Say

Every girl who has ever gone to buy a pad or borrow one knows that, for some reason, people are not very comfortable with the ‘P’ word. Aditi Mittal nails it in this video about how sanitary napkins are the Voldemort of the muggle world! This one is going to leave you in stitches…for sure!


3. Girls On Their Periods

Every woman knows that periods can be such a pain in the ass! And it’s not really the bleeding that is the problem, it is all the paraphernalia that comes with it! Cramps, back pain, nausea, weird cravings and hormones all over the damn place! No one can really put it better than how Superwoman a.k.a Lily Singh has, in this video!

4. Honest Indian Weddings

Have you been to a rishta meeting yet? Are you going to in the near future? Even if not, you simply HAVE to watch this one! No one says it better than AIB in this hilarious video about what Indian weddings are really like.


And oh, there’s a part 2 too!

5. Shit People Say: Sarojini Nagar Edition

Sarojini Nagar… The shopping haven for every Delhi girl. Believe us when we say that this marketplace sells almost everything! You just have to look for it. This video by Little Anarky Films featuring Mallika Dua portrays all kinds of whacky things girls say in Sarojini Nagar! It’s SO apt!


6. When You Visit An Indian Beauty Parlour

The Indian beauty parlour, like everything else Indian, is not sans drama! The Timeliners nail it yet again in this extremely funny video about what happens when you visit a beauty parlour!

7. Excuses When Girls Come Home Late

When you come home late there is bound to be some drama! Sorry… We mean a LOT of drama! To wriggle out of the situation we have all tried to make up various excuses and this video about the same by Girliyapa is SO funny! How many of these have you tried?


8. Things Tall Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

Being a tall person may not be the easiest thing in the world and if you are a tall girl you’re in for a lifetime of PJs cracked at your expense. This video by Being Indian shows exactly the kind of WTF things tall girls are simply tired of hearing!

9. Types Of Girls At A Wedding

Indian weddings are grand and in many ways, super entertaining. We have all spotted certain kinds of girls at every Indian wedding! This video by The Timeliners totally captured all of them! By the way… Which one are you? *Wink*


10. Annoying Things Boyfriends Do

Boyfriends all over the world have the knack of annoying the bejesus out of their girlfriends with a few things that they just can’t help doing! FilterCopy has the most bang on video about the annoying things boyfriends do! Dear boyfriends, you need to watch this too!

11. Problems Of A Girl On Her Period – Periodzoned

Who said only men get friendzoned? Women too, get friendzoned… And in addition to that, we also get periodzoned! What is that, you ask? Well, have a peek at this video by Old Delhi Films. It is so funny and so darn relatable!


So, ladies! Get ready to ROFL!

27 Jan 2017

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