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These 9 Christmas Traditions Will Make Your Kid’s Holidays Extra Special

These 9 Christmas Traditions Will Make Your Kid’s Holidays Extra Special

The holidays are a special time of the year, but part of what makes it so magical is that you get to spend a lot of time with your children, friends, and family while making memories old and new. You may already have your unique and special way of celebrating this season, such as Christmas activities that range from baking festive cookies and visiting the hotspots in your city adorned with Christmas lights and trees. 

But if you are looking for new ways to make memories with your children and teach them the significance of the holidays, then you can always partake in Christmas traditions from around the world, that are cheerful and instantly put you into the holiday spirit. 

We have gathered a list of unique ways to celebrate the holidays that will help you start a new Christmas tradition with your little ones this year. Keep reading to know more!

9 Christmas Traditions To Make Your Holidays Special

9 Christmas Traditions To Make Your Holidays Special
Make homemade hot chocolate and top it with marshmallows for your kids to enjoy / Image credit: Freepik

Make Hot Chocolate

There’s nothing like a mug of homemade hot chocolate on a chilly winter day. So give the instant hot chocolate packets a skip and make a decadent cup of hot cocoa for the holidays. Your kids will love sipping on this delightful sweet treat and can help you out with the toppings, such as putting marshmallows, some sprinkles, and cinnamon sticks.


Take A Family Holiday Photo

True, we all walk with our phones in our pockets now and click more pictures than ever. But how about getting everyone in your family in the same picture, all spiffed up and looking at the camera at the same time? Sounds fun, right? Go all-out for your Christmas holiday photo, right from booking a professional photographer, choosing costumes, matching outfits for the entire family, and using unique props in the background.

Host A Christmas Movie Marathon

What’s Christmas without a holiday movie marathon? Out together a watchlist of classic Christmas-themed movies, from Polar Express to the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and play them every night of the week till New Year. To make this tradition a bit more special, invite your neighbours or other family members and have Christmas-themed snacks and drinks ready for the guests and your family to enjoy.

Send Christmas Letters Or Cards

Send Christmas Letters Or Cards
Encourage your kids to make personalised holiday cards and letters and send them to family members / Image credit: Freepik

Again, an age-old tradition that you can bring back for your children! Sit with your kiddos to make DIY greeting cards or funny letters that they can send to their grandparents, uncle, aunts, or even their friends in another city. This is an excellent activity to keep your child’s creativity enhanced and also teach them about antique values.

Make A Christmas Dessert

Whether it’s holiday cupcakes or a delectable cookie recipe, the holidays are incomplete without sweet treats. So set a day aside for baking cookies and cupcakes with your kids and enjoy the holiday spirit to the fullest. You can also pack some of the baked goodies as gifts and drop them at your friends and family’s houses as well. 


Count Down With A Christmas-themed Advent Calendar

Even if you don’t own one, or haven’t thought of using an advent calendar before, try DIY-ing one this year, and turning it into a memorable Christmas tradition. Your kids will have fun creating their own calendar, and receiving a treat each day of the month. 

DIY Craft Christmas Ornaments

DIY Craft Christmas Ornaments
Spend an afternoon DIY-ing Christmas ornaments and adornments with your kids / Image credit: Freepik

Skip purchasing fancy ornaments and turn to DIY-ing some of your own. You don’t have to be super-crafty to make your own holiday ornaments, there are some super-simple tutorials on Pinterest that you can follow as a guide. What’s matters is that you and your kids will have a blast creating something with your own hands and making memories. 

Go Ice Skating

Ice skating is one such activity that will get you and your family into the holiday mood right away. Even if it doesn’t snow in your city, you can visit ice rinks and have a galore of fun with your kiddos. What’s more? Make it a tradition every year to lace up your skates and have a fun and memorable outing with your loved ones.

Share Memories

Part of the joy of the holiday season is reminiscing about what makes your family unique. As you sit for dinner with your entire family, encourage your children to converse with other members, and ask their grandparents about what traditions they followed in their times, and how did they celebrate the holidays with their parents? Celebrating and sharing these values together will bring your family even closer and teach your children the significance of following traditions. 


These Christmas traditions will fill your house with delight and holiday spirit, and make this season all the more memorable for your kids. So incorporate these unique traditions into your holiday wishlist, and just focus on spending an ample amount of time with your family and loved ones. Happy Holidays!

Also read:

Best Christmas movies for kids: Planning a holiday movie marathon with your little ones? Here are some of the best Christmas movies to add to your watchlist.

Christmas poems for kids: Spread the holiday cheer by teaching your kids these meaningful Christmas poems.

Christmas gifts for kids: These unique and fun Christmas gifts for kids will surely win you a gold star.


Feature Image: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan / Instagram

16 Dec 2022

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