Kareena Kapoor Khan was recently in Dubai for a launch but, in true Kareena style, she totally turned that into a fabulous all-girl vacay with all her besties. Her sister Karisma Kapoor, and her best friends Amrita Arora, Mallika Bhat and Poonam Damania joined her on this trip. It seemed like the girls had a blast on the trip.
Well, enough said, take a look for yourself at the pictures of Kareena‘s all-girls trip that will give you major vacay goals with your squad!
The amazing trio
The ladies struck a stunning pose
Got my LV bag, my sunglasses and my attitude, alright!
Bebo at the brand launch and her girl-gang was there to support her
The ladies living it up in Dubai
What a stunner!
Dying to vacay with your girlfriends soon? So are we!
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