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Scope Of BA English Honours

9 Career Paths If You’ve Done English Hons (Not Just Teaching!)

Career options after BA Honours in English are more than just becoming a teacher or a journalist. It’s crazy how everyone thinks otherwise! Here are 9 different career paths you can take after doing BA Honours in English!

Scope Of BA English Honours in India (Courses and Career Options)

Looking for some great career options and courses? Worry not! Here we’ll tell you about the scope of BA English Honours. Have a look!

1. Professional Writing

With this degree in hand, you can take up writing, professionally. What’s interesting is that there are many different kinds of writing one can pursue, depending on their interests, from scriptwriting to travel writing, to copywriting or simply writing content for a website or a publication house. This is among the high paying jobs after English Honours.

1 career options after ba honours in english


2. MBA

One of the most popularly opted for courses after BA English is MBA. The basic requirement for anyone to pursue MBA is a graduate degree. So, depending on your field of interest, you can pursue MBA in finance, marketing, sales, HR, IB etc. You can use your skills to write and speak crisply to make great pitches and communicate the brand’s vision effectively to their target audience.

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3. Mass Communication

This course will make you familiar with the different channels/ mediums through which communication takes place in the society, from films to radio to TV to newspapers and now even social media. Scope of BA English Honours is unlimited, a study in Mass Comm. will make you familiar with both the technical and creative aspects of these channels, and you can choose to make a career in either of them. A degree in English honours will give you the edge in communication over others pursuing this course.



Also Read: Career Options After A Degree in Mass Comm

4. Social Media Marketing

One of the biggest questions that comes up after graduation in literature is, ‘What to do after BA English?’ We have the answer for you. Since social media has become a big part of our lives, you can pursue it professionally after completing BA honours in English too. Since you are well read and can write just as well, you can combine these skills to market different brands to netizens. Plus, if you are already addicted to the social media, this one will come easy to you.

                                         Also Read: What to do after Economics honours

5. Civil Services

Yes, you can prepare and sit for civil service examinations too. In fact, your study in BA honours English can help you with your civils too, as civils don’t just test your knowledge base, but also test what opinion you hold on a particular topic or issue, and the way you frame your answer makes all the difference. So your writing skills can really make or break it for you!


5 career options after ba honours in english

6. Public Relations

If you find it easy to convince people with your words alone and get them to see your point without even trying very hard, then you will be great at Public Relations. PR can be pursued in different categories from lifestyle to corporate to government and can be a challenging and exciting career option.

Also Read: Where To Make A Profile If You’re Looking For A Startup Job?

7. Law

Yes, you can even take up law if that is where your interest lies. In fact, because you already have a graduate degree, you do not need to study for five years to become a professional lawyer, but can instead go for a three year course. This will make a great career option after BA English and a law degree.



8. Event management

There are so many events happening all around us. You can organise such events, find sponsors for them, market them to different people and make a lot of money and have even more fun doing all this. You can either go for a course in event management or you can directly apply with an event management company depending on your interest from Bollywood to Corporate etc. They always give preference to people who can speak and write well.

Also Read: 14 Career Options For Students After Honours

9. Translators

One of the popular jobs after BA English is that of a translator. You can take it up get paid really well for it. Since you are already proficient in the English language, all you need is to learn another foreign language (if you don’t know one already) and work for the embassy or take up any other translator jobs.


9 career options after ba honours in english

GIFs: Giphy

03 Aug 2016

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