Last night, Archana Gautam turned the Bigg Boss 16 house into a battle ground when she locked horns with Sajid Khan. She accused the director of being partial to his friends Abdu Rozik and Shiv Thakare by giving them more time in the raashan task as compared to others. Going by today’s promo, we see the fight will continue today. In fact, their spat has escalated and the other contestants have now turned their backs against Archana once again.
In the new promo clip, we can see that Archana is refusing to do her duties. However, this time around, everyone including captain Sajid and her former friend Priyanka Choudhary will do everything in their power to make Archana do her duties.
“It’s time we move into action,” Sajid says on the promo clip as Archana refuses to do her duties after much plea. And going by the captain’s orders, the rest of the housemates also gang up against her and put all of her belongings into the garden area. But wait, that’s not all. The promo clip also showed us a glimpse of how the housemates pull the mattress on which Archana was sleeping. Take a look:
Full Promo#BB16 #BiggBoss
— 𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐅𝐂 🧜♀️ (@IamTinaDattaOFC) November 16, 2022
TBH, we already know Archana isn’t the type of person to back down from a fight. So we’re sure things are going to get real feisty tonight and we can’t wait to watch the drama unfold!
Feature Image: Colors TV
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