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silk scrunchies

This ’90s Hair Accessory Is Taking Over The ‘Gram For All The Right Reasons & We’re Sold!

‘Coz at the end of the day, we always end up tieing our hair!

Whether you like to keep your hair open or braid it up in fancy pigtails, nothing can compare to the feeling when you tie all your hair at once, right? Speaking about tieing the hair, what are your go-to products? Do you use a hair clutcher or that old hair tie that also doubles up as a bracelet? If you use either, then we gotta tell you something- it is causing your hair to break.

Time to take a trip back to the nineties as the solution lies there. Yes, we are talking about the colourful, silk scrunchies that everyone on Instagram is so obsessed with. Let’s understand why.

Why Silk Scrunchies Are Awesome



Using silk scrunchies is a fun way to mimic the classy 90 ponytails. Yet, there’s more to these colour hair accessories than looking #InstaApproved. They help improve our hair’s health, prevent hair damage while making us look cute.

Let’s know more about these said benefits, shall we?

Minimum Hair Damage

We know for a fact that your mane is tied up in a tight bun RN. Untie them immediately, please?


Usually, we take our hair, roll it a couple of times, and then tie them up using a tight hair tie. We cannot even tell you how damaging it is! The constant rolling can cause multiple breakages (one of the main reasons for split-ends!), even if you are regularly oiling your mane and taking care of it.

Use a silk scrunchie as they are super soft, don’t pull your hair, don’t cause hair kinks, and prevent hair damage in general as opposed to using a regular hair tie. Even if you tie them super tightly, the damage is minimal.

Keeps The Frizz In Check

Using silk scrunchies can also help calm that frizz down as it fortifies hair to look good. On the days your hair looks as if you got electrocuted, apply some hair serum on your strands and then tie them up using a cute silk scrunchie. Trust us, it’ll make all the difference.

The silk scrunchie will glide gladly over the strands, calming the frizz and even prevent painful hair pulls when you’re removing it later.


Will Turn Every Day Into A Great Hair Day

Did we tell you how adorable silk scrunchies are? We sure must have!

Scrunchies are currently the *it* hair accessory as you can always rely on them to make you look good, instantly. Yup, even if you haven’t washed your hair for days. Just comb all your hair to the back and tie them in a low bun or a high ponytail. Since silk scrunchies are so soft, they won’t cause you any headaches!

Wear tiny gold hoop earrings, apply the most popping lip colour you own and there will be no stopping you!

We cannot keep up these 90s trends that keep making their rightful comebacks, can you?


Featured Image: Pexels.com

22 Apr 2021

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