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Asians Are Obsessed With Sun Protection & These Weird Accessories Are Proof!

Asians Are Obsessed With Sun Protection & These Weird Accessories Are Proof!

I appreciate a good sunscreen, one that doesn’t clog my pores and doesn’t sweat off in the Delhi heat. These are my only requirements and beyond that, I don’t really think about additional suncare steps because let’s be real, who really has the time? But while my suncare routine might come off a little lacklustre, most Asians take it way more seriously than I do.

While Western skincare routines are finally embracing the necessity of sunscreen, our friends in the East have taken sun protection to a whole new level. I’m talking about an entire floor dedicated to anything and everything you might need to save not only your skin but seemingly your soul from the sun.

China: Embracing The Shade

As the summer sun blazes, you’ll notice something fascinating in China: the streets are lined with people in long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, and even face-covering masks. This isn’t a quirky fashion statement but a full-on dedication to sun protection. Known as “hard sun protection,” this trend involves layering up with UV-resistant clothing. Brands like Beneunder offer gear with UPF100+ ratings, ensuring maximum protection while staying stylish.

Image Credits: beneunder

From parasols to “facekinis,” Chinese consumers are all about shielding themselves from harsh UV rays. The “facekini” might seem a bit too much for someone who doesn’t even own sunscreen, but it’s part of a broader cultural commitment to maintaining a flawless complexion…and an attempt at winning the ageing race.


Korea: Sun Care Meets Skincare

In Korea, sun protection is seamlessly integrated into their meticulous skincare routines. Korean sunscreens are renowned for their lightweight, non-greasy formulas that are perfect for layering under makeup. They often contain skin-loving ingredients like green tea, aloe vera, and vitamin E, making them both protective and nourishing.

But Koreans don’t stop at sunscreen. Each summer, Korean women sport UV-blocking masks that cover the face, blocking 98% of harmful rays. It might look a bit unusual, but it’s becoming a common sight on the streets of Seoul. Paired with visors, parasols, and even cotton gloves, the Korean approach ensures that every inch of skin is protected.

Image Credits: aliexpress

Japan: The Art Of Staying Covered

In Japan, sun protection is almost an art form. Japanese women have perfected the practice of staying out of the sun entirely. Parasols are a common accessory, and beautiful summer hats with neck covers are all the rage. Even in sweltering 35°C heat, many women opt for long sleeves and tights to protect their skin.

One particularly unique aspect of Japanese sun care is the use of special hand covers while riding bikes. These covers attach to the handlebars and shield the hands completely, showing just how seriously sun protection is taken.

Image Credits: thejapans.org

India: Breaking The Sunscreen Myths

India’s proximity to the equator means high levels of UV radiation all year round. This constant exposure can lead to skin damage, early aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. The idea that sunscreen isn’t needed for Indian skin is a big misconception. This can lead to neglecting sun protection, which has serious consequences.

Long-term sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer and other skin issues. Sunscreen is vital in preventing these problems, acting as a shield against UV rays. It helps prevent sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer. Additionally, hyperpigmentation, or darkening of the skin due to excess melanin, is common in Indian skin. Sun exposure can cause conditions like melasma and uneven skin tones. Sunscreen reapplication has become simple thanks to easy-to-use spray-on sunscreens.

Of course, Indian moms won’t rest until you’re fully covered. Expect to don a full-sleeve jacket (also called a sunscreen jacket), a sun cap, and sunglasses that make you squint like you’re starring in a spy movie.

So, next time you reach for your sunscreen, think about the comprehensive sun protection routines of the rest of Aisa. From high-tech clothing and masks to the humble parasol, sun care is a lifestyle that goes way beyond a simple SPF lotion. Maybe it’s time to take a leaf out of their book and up your sun protection game!


Featured Image: Amazon

21 Jun 2024

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