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These Forgotten Zones Are Where You Age Faster! Here’s How To Keep It In Check

These Forgotten Zones Are Where You Age Faster! Here’s How To Keep It In Check

My mother is turning 50 soon and seems pretty excited. “A new phase of my life” she calls it. But with that joy came a sense of anxiety most women seem to feel as those around them grow older inherently – the anxiety of wrinkles, white hair, and crow’s feet.

I’ve never really worried about ageing. But it’s something that’s always on my mind and as someone who is obsessed with beauty, I’m always thinking about getting the most out of my products.

What’s The First Place You Age?

The first signs of ageing often appear on your face in the form of crow’s feet or laugh lines, but if you’re consistent with your skincare, you can always delay that process indefinitely. The next place that showcases early signs of ageing is your neck and hands.

Now, I’ve never really paid that much attention to my hands or neck so it was pretty shocking to realise how negligent I was really being. Turns out, since the skin on your neck is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your body, it is the first place you will develop visible wrinkles and fine lines. As for your hands, since you use them so much and they are constantly exposed to the sun, they also show early signs of ageing. Frequent handwashing also tends to strip your hands of moisture and natural oils.


The scary part is that it is tremendously hard to reverse the signs of ageing in these two areas and a few examples of procedures are micro-needling, chemical peels, and dermabrasion. While all of these have become more accessible in recent years, they can be quite painful and cause inconvenience while healing. Trust me, when it comes to your hands and neck, prevention is 100 times better than the cure.

Products & Habits That Delay Ageing


The first way to slow down signs of ageing is sunscreen. UV rays break down collagen which leads to the loss of elasticity, causing wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, UV exposure also causes hyperpigmentation, such as age spots and uneven skin tone. The SPF in sunscreen shields your skin from it.

While you might be diligent while applying sunscreen on your face, you ought to share the love with your neck and hands too! The Vaseline Sun Protect lotion is one of my favourite body sunscreens.



When it comes to your neck, just extend your daily skincare routine a little further. Don’t miss out on the ears and the back of your neck. The Simple Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser is a great hydrant and restores the skin barrier.

As for the hands, I’ve been loving lately the Kimirica Winter Amber Tucuma Butter Hand Cream lately

Invest In Supplements


One of my biggest beauty beliefs is that no matter how many products you use if you’re not taking care of your body from the inside – it’s all in vain! Supplements are a great way to ensure you’re getting your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. A collagen one works wonders when it comes to anti-ageing.

Kickstart Retinol

Next up, an easy hack to make sure your hands and neck stay wrinkle-free, try adding a retinol-based cream to your nighttime body care routine. Retinoids help increase collagen and give your skin a little more support. Here’s a recommendation you can start with.

Antioxidants Are Your BFFs


My last preventative tip is using an antioxidant serum – something like Vitamin C or niacinamide works. Adding a few drops and massaging it into your neck and hands can make a world of a difference. If you’re into gua sha, even better, since the routine movements will help the product get absorbed into your skin.

Just be a little mindful of your skincare habits, pay special attention to areas you tend to overlook (like your neck and hands!) and extend a little conscious care to them!

Featured Images: Instagram

15 Nov 2023

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