Alia Bhatt tied the knot with the love of her life, Ranbir Kapoor on April 14, and the media has been obsessed with the two ever since. Although it has almost been four months since the wedding, the couple never really had a honeymoon. Ranbir and Alia are both workaholics and resumed work immediately after their wedding because of which they could not have a vacation as husband and wife.
While the Highway actress had travelled to London right after the wedding to shoot for her Hollywood debut, Heart Of Stone, Ranbir had flown down to Spain to shoot for Luv Ranjan’s next film. However, we are elated to learn that the couple has finally left for a much-awaited European holiday that is both, their honeymoon and their babymoon! Ranbir and Alia were spotted at the airport on Sunday and are expected to return on August 14. As per close sources, the duo has taken off to Italy for around a week for an extra special honey-babymoon!
The couple is currently enjoying the most amazing phase of their lives and now they’re finally taking some time off to cherish it. The Darlings actress even shared a sun-kissed selfie from her Italian vacay and we simply cannot take our eyes off her pregnancy glow. Fellow mommy-to-be, Sonam Kapoor also commented on the picture saying, “I went there for my Babymoon too! It’s literally the best! Have fun!”
The couple truly deserves to take a break and while we may be a little envious, we’re happy for them. Also, we are hoping for adorable vacay posts on Alia’s ‘gram that will add some sunshine to our gloomy days.
Happy Babymoon-ing, RK and Alia!
Feature Image: Instagram