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I Ended Up Meeting A Drug Dealer: Chennai Woman Reveals The Bitter Truth Of Arranged Marriages

I Ended Up Meeting A Drug Dealer: Chennai Woman Reveals The Bitter Truth Of Arranged Marriages

Arranged marriage is common in India – one where family members choose a partner for you rather than you finding ‘The One’ for yourself. Sometimes, a professional matchmaker is hired to find you a spouse. It is how some of our parents got married and it is how some of them think their kids should get married too. We’ve been told that our parents know what’s best for us whether we are three years old or 30. And so the tradition continues…

This woman in Chennai has thrown light on what a rishta meeting in an arranged marriage setup, especially for Indian women, is like and the popular opinion says – she could not be more right. 

Source: Instagram

It’s ‘proposal’ season in my life right now. I’ve met the quintessential nice guys, the ‘loaded’ guys, and the guys who think the person sitting in front of them is just plain dumb. You name the type and I must’ve met him,” she said in an Instagram post that’s now going viral courtesy We, The People.


The woman (unnamed) talks about the kind of proposals she has received thus far and how families often mistake their loaded bank balance and US residency to mean that the guy is decent. “Families don’t care what the guy does in the US, but as long as he’s there, they’re more than willing to send the girl off. Guys seriously think that their crores of assets and their ’25 lakh per annum’ is what we’re falling for, but they couldn’t be more wrong,” she said in the post.

She went on to recall how she ended up being set up with a drug dealer for marriage, “During this ‘Game of Proposals, I even ended up meeting a drug dealer! When my cousin and I looked him up, we found out that he was arrested in a drug racket. I freaked the hell out! And the sad reality of it all is, that this happens way too often – especially in the name of a foreign proposal.

Raise your hand if you can relate…

Also Read: 15 Questions You MUST Ask Him At The Rishta Meeting


Not that this fine woman is condemning arranged marriages or her parents’ rush to get their daughter married. Her agenda is much wider. “Marriage is not about their bank balance – and it most definitely is not about getting hitched to a complete stranger under absurd situations,” concluded the post. Amen to that!

Come to think of it, I have a few friends myself who got married in an arranged setup but asked their families for some time to get to know their future husband better. This way, the man their parents chose for them was also the man they chose for themselves and not a ‘complete stranger’.

What do you think?

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15 May 2019

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