
It’s Very Likely That You Don’t Know How To Use Your Cleanser Correctly — No Offense

Urvi Shah  |  Nov 28, 2022
It’s Very Likely That You Don’t Know How To Use Your Cleanser Correctly — No Offense

Dr. Shereene Idriss dropped a sweeping truth-bomb on Instagram the other day. In a mind-numbing revelation, the Internet’s go-to expert just informed us that we’re not using our cleansers correctly that it’s basically product and money down the drain. While the claim left most confused initially, it also left in her comments a trail of gushing, grateful followers who noticed a difference in their skin after incorporating her technique into their routine. But what did this revelation entail anyway? Ahead — the exact way in which you should cleanse your face.

For Everyone Using Active Cleansers, This Is For You

Here’s how to use your cleanser correctly. Dr. Idriss begins in the same way as us. The process involves massaging a dollop of product into your face like you normally would. She opts for a Benzoyl Peroxide-infused cleanser (which helps treat acne). Instead of rinsing it off immediately post application, the dermatologist suggests letting it sit on the skin for about two or three minutes (during which you can meditate or admire your pet). “The product has done the magic on your skin through the process of you waiting,” she says at the end of the video. Because you’ve given it the time to do so.

If you’re confused about how to start, here are some tips entrusted to me by Dr. Manasi Shirolikar, Consultant Dermatologist and Founder, Online Consulting Brand and Dr. Neha Dubey, Consultant Medical & Cosmetic Dermatologist, Medical Director at Meraki Skin Clinic, Gurugram.

Not All Cleansers Contain Actives

Not all cleansers contain actives, and not everyone needs one that does; but if yours contains actives like Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Mandelic Acid, or Glycolic Acid, you might benefit from knowing that they show their efficacy if they stay on the skin for the prescribed amount of time. Dr. Manasi notes that most people barely leave any contact-time between their skin and cleansers to be able to see any effect.

Don’t Try This With A Regular Cleanser

According to Dr. Neha, this technique is applicable to actives, and should be practiced only as per a dermatologist’s instructions as every skin-type is different, and it can backfire if one does not adhere to the time or way of application. Even Kojic Acid and Vitamin C qualify as actives, and you can find brightness-inducing face-washes containing these ingredients.

Identify Your Skin Type First

Dr. Manasi and Dr. Neha advise us to identify our skin-type in order to find the right active for ourselves. Here are their suggestions:

It’s important to note that these cleansers cannot replace your serums or moisturisers. The latter are extremely potent, and contain higher concentrations of the active for your skin to benefit from. As for exfoliating acids like Benzoyl Peroxides and AHAs, sun-proof your skin with sunscreen at the end of your regimen. These actives make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

Looking For Active Cleansers?

These are some of the best active cleansers and face-washes in the game RN. Check them out.

If your skin is extremely sensitive, and doesn’t do well with leave-on products, you might want to skip this one.

Featured Image: Instagram

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