After Ekta Kapoor’s Kasautii Zindagii Kay and JD Majethia’s Bhakharwadi, Yeh Rishtaa Kya Kehlata Hai has been temporarily stalled after seven of its cast and crew members tested COVID-19 positive. As per the reports, the crew had recently celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi on the sets. Sachin Tyagi (who plays Manish Goenka in the show) was the first one to test positive and six more members of the show have tested positive as well. All of them have mild symptoms and have thus been home quarantined for now.
Shortly after reports of him testing positive came out, Sachin had also shared that he contracted the virus despite following all the precautions. Meanwhile, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai producer Rajan Shahi shared in a media statement that the set was sanitised and fumigated on Monday and assured that they have been following all the protocols.
“The three actors are an integral part of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. As they are asymptomatic, they are under home quarantine. We immediately got everyone on the set tested, and four of the crew members tested positive. The BMC has been informed, and the entire set has been sanitised and fumigated. Currently, all of them are receiving medical attention under home quarantine. We are constantly in touch with them as their health is our priority. We stand by our commitment to safety and will continue to ensure that all safety and precautionary measures are adhered to,” said Rajan Shahi.
While we don’t have much information on the other two actors who have tested positive, a report by The Indian Express suggests that just like Sachin they too are part of the Goenka family in the show. That said, the Yeh Kya Kehlata Hai cast is certainly not the first one to contract COVID-19 from the Indian TV industry. Other TV actors who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus include Parth Samthaan, Additi Gupta, Shrenu Parikh, Satish Shah, and Kiran Kumar.
This, of course, makes one wonder about the safety precautions that are being taken on the sets. Then again, so many of us seem to be suffering from what can be best described as pandemic fatigue right now. There is no other way to explain the cavalier attitudes that so many of us have assumed lately, all thanks to an information overdose and our collective boredom from the pandemic news. However, sadly our lack of interest in not mirrored in the way the coronavirus continues spreading and persisting across the world.
It is important to remember that we currently stand at a 3.17 million case count and going slack is just not the way to go about it. If anything, we need to be all the more cautious now! Here’s wishing Yeh Kya Kehlata Hai team a quick recovery!
Featured Image: Instagram
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