Our much-loved Divyanka Tripathi and Karan Patel starrer show, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, is soon going off-air. Helmed by Ekta Kapoor, the show premiered on December 3 in 2013 and has successfully completed six years today. The show will be replaced by its spin-off series, Yeh Hai Chahtein, which is supposed to premiere on December 19. The plot of the spin-off will revolve around Ishita’s niece, portrayed by Sargun Kaur Luthra.
As the show nears its end, Divyanka, who plays the role of Dr. Ishita Bhalla in YHM shared her mixed feelings and guess what she even made an interesting revelation.
Divyanka said that the journey of YHM was quite smooth and enjoyable. The actress shared that she did not even realise when the six years just flew by. Well, neither did we!
Divyanka further shared that she had a wonderful experience playing the role of Ishita. She feels fortunate that she got to play the character. “Ishita came as a breath of fresh air and changed my life forever. I’ll always be thankful to Ekta for YHM and many reasons.,’ said the actor. Awww, isn’t that making you feel nostalgic?
But hold on your tears, guys! The actress has recently revealed that she will make an appearance in Yeh Hai Chahtein as well. “I will be a part of some episodes of Yeh Hai Chahtein I believe. I don’t know the exact details yet,” Divyanka added.
Well, even this much information enough for Divyanka fans to rejoice. We love you, Divyanka. All the very best for your future endeavours!
Featured Image: Instagram
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