All work and no play might make you dull, but being a bit oblivious while sending a work email would definitely make you look unprofessional! There is such a thing as work email etiquette – a few work email rules that you need to keep in mind when sending a professional one. Be careful and read these useful tips on sending a work email!
1. Steer clear of using emoticons! :-/
Constant use of various messaging apps has left us with a habit of using lots and lots of emoticons while typing. It’s fun, sure, but there is a difference between fun and work, right? So keep those emoticons out of your work emails for your own good.
2. Don’t write dis way plz!
Keep aside laziness while typing your work email – and type properly without using that casual texting language that most of us have become habituated to. Trust us, nobody in the professional world likes to receive an email that’s written lazily and, sometimes, incomprehensibly.
3. Be direct
Don’t beat around the bush while sending a work email. Come directly to the point. It would be easy for the receiver to know what exactly you want to convey through your email. Remember that the most important rule of work email etiquette is: work emails are about getting things done.
4. Keep it short
Even as you come directly to the point, make sure to express yourself as concisely as possible. Nobody has the time (or patience) to read a long email, so cut out all fluff and keep your email short – but without compromising on the points you want to convey through it, of course. If you need to talk about multiple points, use bullet points and numbering to break things up.
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5. Keep your tone thoroughly professional
It’s important that the tone of your work email is thoroughly professional. Do not use random/ casual phrases, and just keep it sincere and formal. Remember, your work email is a direct reflection of your personality as a professional.
6. Refrain from using “fancy” words
While we urge you to not be casual, your work email doesn’t need to be decked up with long and complicated words to make it sound more important or thoughtful. Keep the language simple because it would help keep the tone more professional – and your email action-friendly.
7. Be totally honest
Because you don’t want it to serve as the biggest proof of dishonesty if you ever get caught in a lie, right?! Never ever put in false or misleading information in your work email. Even if it is something as little as saying “This has been completed” when you’re actually 30 minutes away from finishing the task – you never want your colleagues to think you cover stuff up.
8. Take your time
Do not be in a hurry while writing a work email as it increases the chances of you making errors in it. Take your time to write it properly – though that doesn’t mean that you would take foreverrrr to write one!
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9. Double check for typos and errors
After writing the email, read it once to fix typos and errors if any. You surely don’t want to send an email full of mistakes, right?
10. Send it to the RIGHT person
Work emails might contain confidential information, so make sure to send it to the right person. Double check the receiver’s address before you hit the “send” button.