
Women Dish Out The One ‘Type’ They’ll Never Date Again & Honestly, I’m Better Off Single Anyway

Aarti SinghAarti Singh  |  Feb 29, 2024
Women Dish Out The One ‘Type’ They’ll Never Date Again & Honestly, I’m Better Off Single Anyway

Going from one toxic person to another, we can’t seem to catch a break for the life of it. It is like an established pattern of the same type of people that have a hobby of breaking our hearts in the same way too. But why do we get our hearts broken by the same type of people? Seems like fate, doesn’t it? When you don’t learn from the first toxic person, life sends you another one to teach you a harder lesson.

These lessons are often aligned with a ‘type’, having the same characteristics, personality, even red flags for that matter, that we fall for over and over again. After every heart break, we promise ourselves that we would never go for such a person again, and yet…we do. So, we asked people what one ‘type’ that they have sworn off of and the answers might just give you the much-needed encouragement-

1. The jealous/possessive kind. It feels all cute in the starting but becomes a big issue down the line. I think security and trust play an important role in a relationship and hence, I would never date an overly jealous person again.

-Aaliyah Jain

2. Personally, would rather be single forever than to date a guy who does not respect my boundaries. It doesn’t always have to be physical boundaries that are rigid and to be maintained. I would say even mental and emotional boundaries tbvh. I’d appreciate a guy who knows where boundaries come from and respects them.


3. Adding to this: angry guys. I can’t. I grew up in an angry family; I won’t put myself around that energy anymore. My brother is an angry dude – you can’t tell him anything and everything pisses him off. We’re in our 30s and he’s still single; I’m not surprised, it’s not attractive.


4. Men are tricky, I do not say this out of judgment. As someone with bad dating experiences, I know I will not date someone who shows disrespect. A man who does not get me or my work, and respects that, is not an option at all. Men who think it’s nice to dominate women. Also, men who like to play around with emotions.


5. The self-proclaimed “as**ole”. “Brutal” honesty is not impressive. Tactful honesty is. Also, you think they’ll raise their voice for you, but they’re just gonna raise it at you.


6. I am not even kidding when I say that I would rather be a celibate than to date someone who weaponizes my insecurities. And yes it might seem a shitty thing as you read it but there are people out there who do that on purpose so I’m going to call people out and never ever date someone who weaponizes my insecurities.

-Aarti Singh

7. The skater boy type that starts each unemployed day with a black coffee and half pack of light blue American spirits before he goes to the skatepark, commando in his three-day unwashed sweaty double-knee dickies just to stomp his board in half because he can’t land a trick. No, I’m not traumatized, you’re traumatized.


8. I’ll never go for a Mama’s boy. They are the absolute worst, because you’re not the only one who loves your mom man, I love mine just as much but you simply can’t cut the call in the middle of our argument just to talk to your mother. Someone who’s too attached to his mom that he doesn’t know how to draw a line between prioritizing his relationships. That was too triggering and I don’t want that kind of guy in my life ever again

-Arshi Safdar

9. The love bomber. Learned that the hard way. Twice lol.


10. I wouldn’t want to deal with what I’d call a ‘City boy.’ Basically, a person who has grown up in a metropolitan city all their life and also looks down on everyone who hails from tier 2/3 cities. Many times, such people have a bit of a superiority complex about the etiquette they have, there’s a lot of privilege in thinking you are a more refined person simply because you understand the secret language that city folks speak. And I can’t imagine having a romantic relationship with such a person.

-Harshita Singh

11. Any man.


If only we could use filter out such ‘types’ from our lives completely. But since we can’t, be careful ladies, it’s brutal out there!

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