Andy Williams got it right when he said this is the most wonderful time of the year. You snuggle up to the ones you love, stock up on all that holiday cheer and weight, without feeling too guilty about your indulgences. ‘Tis the time to spread the warmth despite the chill in the air that threatens to bite off your nose, fingers and every inch of skin left exposed. But, that’s why winter comes with a bevy of goodies that make you feel good, warm and fuzzy; irrelevant of whether or not you have somebody to hold.
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1. Socks
I like my feet to be warm at all times during the winter and I’m sure you do, too. There’s something about frozen feet that really leaves you feeling uncomfortable as ever in the Winter. Hence, warm, cushy and extra fuzzy socks to the rescue so you can walk around wearing them all day, every day.
2. Ear Muffs
Earaches are real; and painful in the winters. They’re not overrated, mythical or limited to the childhood years when we couldn’t comprehend life, let alone pain. The best way to keep the ears warm, cared for and away from the aching and blockage is a pair of fuzzy ear muffs. What’s better? It’s a good way to block out the unwanted noise… If you know what I mean…
3. A Fuzzy Blanket
Winter calls for long snuggles in bed; and you don’t need another person for that. Just an extra warm blanket will do the trick in better ways!
4. Knitted Scarf
A scarf in winter is multipurpose – it keeps your neck warm; and, if it’s long enough, it does so for your chest, too. It’s a great winter accessory and it makes you feel like a polar bear is perpetually hugging you. WARM, WARM, WARM!
5. A Winter Cap
There’s something about wearing a cap in the winter that just feels so nice and snug. If you have a bad hair day, wear a cap! Can’t wash your hair cause it’s too cold, wear a cap! Want to look incessantly cute, wear the damn cap!
6. The Comfy Hoodie
In winter, it pays to have one signature go-to hoodie you can count on during teh coldest days to keep you warm and snug. So while everyone else is freezing their body parts off, you can smile and look snug as you enjoy the winter chill, without actually killing yourself, or falaling sick!
7. Cute Coffee Mug
I love coffee mugs; especially the ones that keep your beverages warm no matter how long it’s stayed in there. Plus, it keeps your hands warm. And to add to it, they look so wintry and holiday-appropriate!
8. Flannel Pyjamas
There’s nothing that a pair of flannel pyjamas cannot solve on a winter’s day! Feeling cold? Flannel pyjamas. Feeling blue? Flannel pyjamas. Feeling sad, flannel pyjamas. Want someone to hold you? Flannel pyjamas. Don’t want to do a thing? Flannel pyjamas, woman!
9. Hand Gloves
If your hands are warm, you can conquer the world in winter… or at least that’s what it feels like. Plus, wouldn’t you really like for your fingers to just function without stiffening thanks to the biting cold that could very well turn you into an iced mummy?
10. A Furry Coat
While your hoodie has a purpose off its own, a furry coat, too has a purpose of its own. It’s called not making you look like a winter slob! Believe me, it’s the one thing that makes you look like an adult when you’re layered in tons of ugly sweaters because of the cold!
11. Hot Water Bottle
Winter can sometimes make you feel like you’re dying. Especially, when you’re on your period and the cramps really are like your worst enemy, ever! The Lannisters have got nothing on these suckers, I kid you not!
12. Warming Drinks
Hot coffee, hot chocolate, brandy, warmed rum, whiskeys with warm water, mulled wines – you name it, we want it!
13. Room Heater
It’s the one thing that keeps you sane in winter. The lack of warm environments in winter can drive a person crazy owing to the number of body parts that are freezing and threatening to just stop functioning. The struggle is so real, it should be a reality TV show! We praise the lord for having giving some genius the brain to invent these magical machines!
14. Fireplace
And if you’re more on the old school lines, or earn enough to get yourself a fireplace that is inside your house and not on the streets somewhere, then, well, you go do that!
15. Boots
Boots in the winter keep your whole legs warm. And because they’re so comfortable to wear, you don’t mind the heels every once in awhile. The key is to stock up on a pair of hardy, multipurpose boots that can double up as work-wear, street-wear and party-wear.
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