
7 People Share Wild Concert Stories & It’s Giving Us Major FOMO!

Vedika Negi  |  Oct 1, 2024
7 People Share Wild Concert Stories & It’s Giving Us Major FOMO!

Friends, it’s been tough getting over Diljit and Coldplay concert tickets getting sold out in minutes. While missing out on the experience is one thing, not having my own crazy concert story to narrate feels even worse. With all the hype, it’s only natural to feel a bit of FOMO, right? 

Call me crazy, but to keep the excitement alive, I went through Reddit and Quora to read some wild concert stories. And let me tell you, they don’t lie when they say attending a concert is a whole new experience. Not to gatekeep, here are some legit stories shared by concertgoers!

1. ‘Saw a guy in Gorilla costume’

“Not even remotely pop-punk, but when I saw The Acacia Strain there was a guy in a gorilla suit running around the mosh pit. So before one song the singer said “OK for this song you all pick up that gorilla and you won’t let him down for the entire next song, got it?” And exactly that happened. We formed a ring and crowdsurfed him the entire next song.” – thedubiousstylus

2. ‘My 14 year old grandson got into a fight’

My daughter and her family recently vacationed in Las Vegas — son-in-law had a work trip, and he decided to bring the family along — and they decided to see Aerosmith in concert. The kids are young teens and excited about the whole experience, their first rock concert. When they got home I asked the oldest, age 14, how it was. “It was great!” he said. “I got into a fight with an old man.” “What???” Apparently, they had seats right in front of a couple of guys in their 50s and 60s who were pretty drunk. They thought my grandson was blocking their view (he is almost 6 feet tall) which led to words exchanged, and then one of the old guys emptied a beer all over my grandson. That’s when my grandson took a swing at him. Well, fortunately this was Vegas. Suddenly two very big security guards appeared, took the unruly drunks away, and apologized to my grandson. My grandson is now dripping with beer almost before his parents could process what was happening. “Best Time Ever!!” he told me.‘ – Mark Thomase

3. ‘Danced on stage for 20 mins’

Going to see a concert, I was wearing a long, form-fitting slinky sun dress. I had a scarf tied around my neck and black strapped sandals. I was standing near the front of the stage. When the singer saw me in the audience, told the security guys to get me up on the stage with him. Once on stage, I danced with him while drinking Tequila. Then while he was doing his Matching to Mars song, marched across the stage. It all lasted about 20 minutes. Unforgettable.’ – KRISTY FOX

4. ‘Most annoying couple at the concert’

Nothing super crazy bit this one time at a festival during the Green Day set I was able to get in the pit section right in front of the stage. They let a lot of people in so it was really packed to the point where you would stand shoulder to shoulder without any chance to move really. And of course I had to stand next to this one chick and her bf who were amongst the most selfish asshole I have ever encountered. He held her from behind and she put her elbows out for the whole fucking set- I guess to keep distance from the people around touching her. She had the perfect height so her elbow was hitting my right in the ribs. I told her and her asshole boyfriend multiple times that it was bothering me but they were just pretty much ignoring it and that one time he even tried to shove me away. I didn‘t wanna cause a scene so after around 30min I took the high road and gave up my spot. To this day, I still sometimes fantasize about ripping their guts out.’ – DancehallWashington


5. ‘Restored my faith in humanity’

“Not really crazy but I have some wholesome ones that restored my faith in humanity. The Maine has been my favorite band for 12 years. I saw them live for the first time in 2016 I believe. When I saw them come out on stage, I broke down crying in disbelief that I was finally witnessing my favorite band live. A girl a bit older than me saw me crying and she started tearing up too and held me while I sank into her arms. In 2013 I saw ATL and they started performing Therapy- a gut wrenching song for a 13 year old girl struggling with a multitude of diagnosed mental illnesses. I nearly fell to the floor sobbing and three girls crowded around me, picked me up and held me throughout the song, as we all cried and kind of swayed back and forth. And lastly, I can’t for the life of me remember what show it was- but I was young and was thrown into a mosh pit- pretty dangerous for a young girl weighing no more than 100 pounds. A guy much taller than me got me out of it and acted as a shield for me so I wouldn’t get hit or thrown back in.”

6. ‘Band left the stage’

‘The band leaves the stage during a song and jumps in the pit. Two kids randomly decide to get on the empty stage and start playing the instruments. One of them stage dives, and the other picks up the guitar and finishes the song solo. The band members were just as confused as everyone else. It was pretty amazing.’


7. ‘She tore her top’

‘Just recently I was at a concert,of an international celebrity in my country and as usual different artiste has come,played and left and halfway the program, this particular celebrity came on stage and just immediately a lady close to me stood up tear up her tan top remaining her bra and threw to the stage. Sincerely I was surprised and at the same time irritated although have heard things like that happens regularly in a concert, but to me that was the first time I witnessed it and is the craziest thing have witnessed in such gathering.’Akinmoladun Precious

Featured Image: The New Yorker

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