Son of the super-talented Anil Kapoor and brother to the gorgeous Sonam Kapoor, we definitely have some very high expectations from Harshvardhan Kapoor! Having previously worked only behind the camera, Mirzya is the first time we’ll see him on the screen. But since the movie is set to release on October 2016, here are some photos of him to tide you over until then!
1. The first look of the movie that built up all the mystery around this man!
Image Source: Harshvardhan Kapoor On Instagram
2. Sister Sonam introduced him with this droolworthy image on her Instagram!
Image Source: Sonam Kapoor on Instagram
3. And Hrithik Roshan tweeted a photo of him some great insight – “This much calm on the outside means there is a storm inside.”
Image Source: Hrithik Roshan on Twitter
4. A picture that we hope is just a sneak peek of what we see in the movie!
Image Source: Harshvardhan Kapoor On Instagram
5. And this one from behind the scenes of Mirzya that makes us want to see so much more of him!
Image Source: Harshvardhan Kapoor On Instagram
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