
What Guys *Think* Girls Do… Versus What We *Actually* Do!!

Shivani Shrivastava  |  Mar 16, 2017
What Guys *Think* Girls Do… Versus What We *Actually* Do!!

You know how guys think that girls have pillow fights in their underwear at sleepovers? (*Rolling eyes here*) So, no, we don’t want burst their bubble, but sometimes they gotta know the reality too, right? This new FilterCopy video about What Men Think Women Do vs What Women Actually Do is so on point that we want EVERY guy to watch it. Be it our guy besties, our boyfriends or even our brothers, their thoughts about what girls do and things that we actually do are hilariously different from each other…and this video shows exactly that. So, here, watch this one – and don’t forget to share it!


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