
#HeSays: What Guys *Really* Think About ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’!

POPxo Man  |  Feb 6, 2017
#HeSays: What Guys *Really* Think About ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’!

Ladies, we know that Fifty Shades Of Grey is this epic book/ movie franchise that a LOT of you love. Which is why most of us guys have also made the effort to get clued in – ‘coz, you know, if these are your secret fantasies and stuff, we want to know all about it so we can deliver! But guess what? Our feelings might not exactly match yours once we were done with the movie (yes, most of us definitely skipped the books). So if you girls want to know what guys think about Fifty Shades of Grey, here’s us summing it up for you… Be ready to be surprised!

1. He’s telling her exactly what to do all the time, and she’s doing it?

This situation is, like, every guy’s dream come true. #NeverGonnaHappenForReal

2. Um, if I try to do that to my girlfriend, she is going to snatch the bloody whip (pun not intended) out of my hands.

And use it on me instead – and NOT in a sexy way!

3. How is he throwing her around so much all the time and she’s bouncing on the bed?

Damn it, where can I buy a bouncy bed like that?

4. Actually, I don’t think I would be able to lift her up all that much and pull this stuff off.

I should go to the gym more. Hmm.

5. This Red Room Of Pain business – how do people have so much space, man?

I mean, seriously, most of us guys are struggling to afford apartments where the kitchen is so small that two people can’t cook together comfortably.

6. Which brings me to: how the holy crap is this dude so rich?

Should I change accountants? My mutual funds are never gonna get me there.

7. And that means no private jet trip to Paris either. Sob.

Are you even allowed to broach these hardcore BDSM topics with your girlfriend if you haven’t taken her to Paris for a romantic getaway?

8. How does this guy stay so intense with his girlfriend all the time? Don’t they ever have some uncomplicated fun?

Like, really. Girlfriends get pissed off when you’re brooding about Arsenal losing a game! This makes no sense.

9. You know, no part of this movie would be even remotely sexy or romantic if this dude wasn’t so super-duper rich.

If he didn’t have money for all that fancy-shmancy stuff he’s doing all the time, Christian Grey would basically be a Criminal Minds unsub.

10. Life lesson: wear more suits.

Hey, I may not be as hot as this Christian Grey dude, but I can definitely dress up a bit for my girl.

Images: Giphy, Tumblr

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