Alia Bhatt has been making her presence felt at the 2023 Met Gala as one of the best-dressed guests. The actress has opted for a pearl-embellished Prabal Gurung gown and looks like a real-life Disney princess! Well, she has been acting like one too!
Alia greeted some of her fans outside her hotel right before leaving for the Met Gala. A video from her interaction with fans is now going viral and for all the right reasons I must say.
In the video, a fan can be heard screaming “I love you” as the actress waves at the crowd. The instant Alia hears her fan, she turns around and says, “Thank you! I love you too!!!” and even makes a heart with her hands. Here, watch the adorable video:
Wholesome, right?
Well, you are bound to touch the sky when you have a heart of gold like Alia. No wonder our pretty-pretty princess is making her mark all over the world right now. Never change, Alia!
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