It was during Anushka Sharma’s pregnancy last year that Virat Kohli showed us how it is done. Turning a deaf ear to all the unnecessary criticism and unsolicited advice the man went on taking paternity leave mid-series and helped Anushka through her last trimester. That he was an amazing partner was something that we always expected and the way he celebrated her pregnancy just proved it for us.
Well, the two became proud parents to a baby girl last week, and guess what? Turns out captain Kohli is going to be as amazing a father to the little one as he has been a partner to Anushka. The cricketer spent the entirety of last week beefing up the security for his newborn and ensuring that she is spared from all the media attention whatsoever.
But that’s not it. Virat also had other plans in mind to express how elated he feels at the moment and his new Twitter bio is proof enough. The cricketer just changed his bio to ‘A proud husband and father’ and all we gotta say is that this man never fails to impress! We especially love how he didn’t miss out on wifey Anushka and made sure to include her while dedicating it to the new addition in their lives. Here, take a look at Virat’s bio:
All this while, Virat has been so protective about his daughter’s safety that in the baby’s birth announcement itself he had urged media and fans to respect their privacy and not try taking pictures of her. He wrote, “We are thrilled to share with you that we have been blessed with a baby girl this afternoon. We thank you all for your love, prayers, and good wishes. Anushka and the baby are both healthy and we are feeling beyond blessed to start this new chapter of our lives. We hope that you can respect our privacy at this time.”
Rest assured, Virat is certainly going to ace his new innings as a dad and we look forward to some amazing dad-daughter moments in the future.
Featured Image: Instagram
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