Before Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber, Bollywood had witnessed the biggest “silsila” of all between Jaya Bachchan and Rekha. Rumour has it that Amitabh Bachchan had an affair with Rekha while he was married to Jaya Bachchan in the 1980s. While their love affair was brief, Rekha still wears sindoor for him and refers to their love as “forever.” This relationship was bound to create animosity between Jaya and Rekha. However, in an award show, decades later, the two women finally decided to bury it.
In 2016, Rekha and Jaya Bachchan were both present at the same award function. A video from the same function has resurfaced on the internet and has gone viral. In the video, Rekha can be seen approaching Jaya and giving her a warm hug. After hugging, the two ladies indulged in a small conversation that seemed quite lighthearted. The two actresses even posed together for the camera, after which, Jaya asked Rekha to sit next to her.
Check out the video here:
Jaya Bachchan and Rekha are two of the most-loved and talented actresses of their time. Years later, we are yet to find talent like theirs. While the two may have issues in their personal life, it is refreshing to see two women not disrespecting each other because of a man. Even now, Jaya and Rekha continue to be cordial with each other regardless of the past. This is a true example of grace and dignity!
When Rekha Confessed Her Love For Amitabh
The first time Rekha publicly spoke about her love for Amitabh, it was on Simi Garewal’s talk show in 2012. Simi blatantly asked her if she loved Amitabh Bachchan to which Rekha curtly replied, “Absolutely! Duh, that’s a dumb question!” She even went on to say that one can take all the love in the world and then add some more, that’s how she felt for him. She then generalised her statement by saying, “I’m yet to come across a man, woman, child, who can’t help but fall completely, passionately, insanely, desperately and especially, hopelessly, in love with him. So why should I be singled out?”
Feature Image: Instagram
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