Karan Johar is no stranger to controversy. He makes headlines with his statements, his show Koffee With Karan and even with seemingly harmless social media posts. Recently, a video that Karan Johar posted in good fun became a nightmare for the stars involved. In the controversial video, A-listers such as Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Malaika Arora, Vicky Kaushal, Arjun Kapoor, and Ranbir Kapoor were seen partying at Karan Johar’s house. However, one celeb who paid a higher price when the video of this party came out was Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kaushal.
In this less than a minute clip, Karan zoomed into different celebs who had come to his house for a relaxing evening. From Malaika to Ranbir, many faces came into focus, but unfortunately, when Karan Johar panned his camera to Vicky, it looked like as if he rubbed something off his nose. He could have just scratched his nose, but the internet was quick to jump to conclusions. Many on Twitter accused the Uri actor of doing drugs.
When asked about this in an interview with a digital magazine, he said that it is understandable for people to make assumptions on the video when they don’t know you personally. However, what’s not cool and unfair is they factualised these assumptions.
He further added, “We all knew the video was being taken and five minutes before the video was shot Karan’s mom was with us. The video was put up. Next day I leave for Arunachal Pradesh. I was with the army for the next four days in the hills where there is no network. So I have no clue of what’s going on.” In fact, when Vicky returned home and checked Twitter, he was bombarded with tweets, open letters and the news of an FIR. He confessed that all of these things took a toll on his mental health.
In the past, Karan Johar also took up for Vicky and told the internet that Vicky wasn’t doing drugs. He was recovering from dengue and drinking hot water with lemon juice. Also, he mentioned that he wasn’t stupid to put a video up if drugs were involved.
Many Twitter users also came out in support of the stars and asked people to leave them alone. However, it feels like the controversy is not so close to dying out yet.
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