Veere Di Wedding has had the fans piquing interest ever since the first trailer came out. The four Veeres Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Swara Bhasker and Shikha Talsania had a ball while promoting the film. Team Veere Di Wedding left no stone unturned to reach out to their fans and create a buzz for their film. The girl gang was seen in the most stylish ensembles at press conferences for their film and enjoyed the marketing to the hilt.
The wait is finally over (at least for fellow Tinseltown celebs)! There was a special screening held for B-town last evening. The whole of Bollywood came in support of the divas and the night was indeed a star-studded affair. The Kapoor Khandan was seen in full attendance in their most fashionable avatars.
Check out pictures from the screening where B-town celebs came dressed in their most ultra glam avatars.
1. Sonam Kapoor And Hubby Anand Ahuja Look Adorable As Always
Sonam and handsome hubby Anand Ahuja were all smiles for the shutterbugs. The undisputed fashionista of Bollywood sported a cold shoulder ruffled crop top paired up with paper bag waist wide-legged pants while Anand wore a chocolate brown suit with a white tee.
2. Khushi Kapoor Looks Casual And Chic In Black
3. Jahnvi Kapoor Goes Denim All Way!
4. The Simple Yet Sassy Rhea Kapoor
5. Daddy Dearest Is All Smiles For The Paparazzi
6. Richa Chadha In A Glam Avatar!
7. Swara Bhasker Goes Glam Beyond Words
Aren’t we all excited for the release tomorrow?
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