The Bigg Boss OTT star Divya Agarwal recently announced her engagement with businessman Apurva Padgaonkar. She broke this news on her 30th birthday bash on December 5. Soon after, Divya’s ex-boyfriend Varun Sood shared a cryptic tweet that created a lot of buzz on the Internet. While some assumed it was a reply to Divya’s engagement, others thought he was still hurting after the breakup. But recently, the Splitsvilla fame actor cleared the air about his tweet.
It All Started With A ‘Cryptic’ Tweet
A few days after Divya Agarwal’s engagement, Varun took to his Twitter to post a calm emoji. Following that, fans started flooding his comments section. A fan wrote, “And everything ends here. The faith we had about you 2 getting reunited, our most favorite fairy tale got over officially for now.” Another comment said, “It’s okay Varun, take it as a life lesson & try to move on, bappa will bless you with someone better because you deserve better.” Varun even shared a song on his ‘Gram that left his fans thinking it’s directed to her ex Divya.
Varun Sood On Divya’s Engagement
In a recent conversation with a media house, Varun Sood clarified that his tweet was not directed to anyone. He also left a message for Divya and her beau and said, “I would like to congratulate the couple. I wish them all the best!”
He further added, “The song that I posted recently has been sung by a very good friend of mine. And even earlier, when I posted a calm emoji, it was about a few projects that I signed. It was not hinted at anyone or any event happening in anyone’s life. None of my posts or tweets are related to anyone.”
Divya Agarwal and Varun Soon called it off last year after dating for four good years. The two have previously appeared on a bunch of reality shows including Bigg Boss and Splitsvilla.
When asked about Varun’s viral tweet, Divya had said, “I would not like to respond to Varun’s posts but would want netizens to show some sensitivity, now that I am engaged.”
We hope the fans show some empathy towards them! We wish them both all the love and luck.
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