Sui Dhaaga has had us waiting for quite some time now. This movie took two glamorous actors, Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan and turned them into simple, regular looking people. The movie, directed by Sharat Kataria (of Dum Laga Ke Haisha fame) was inspired by the ‘Make In India’ campaign and is set in Madhya Pradesh. In the picture, the actors are seen cycling in the burning heat of Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh. The look on both the actor’s faces is so relatable, especially now that summer is officially here for most of us, it has literally left us sweating!
That’s some dedication! In the film, Anushka Sharma plays an embroiderer and Varun Dhawan is seen as a tailor. Since this Yash Raj film is based on Prime Minister Modi’s ‘Make In India’ campaign, we are hoping for a strong and structured social message. While talking to a leading newspaper Varun Dhawan said, “From Gandhiji to Modiji, our leaders have always endorsed the mantra of Made in India. With Sui Dhaaga, I am proud to take their message to millions of movie lovers in a way that is entertaining and relevant. I really liked the script that Sharat had written and I am happy that I am teaming up with YRF on this one. Anushka and I are pairing up for the first time so I am sure there will be fireworks.”
Here’s a look at all the previous sneak-peeks of the movie:
Sui Dhaaga is all set to release on 28th September, 2018.
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