Age Care

5 Tips That Will Help You Care For The Delicate Area Around Your Eyes

Eden Noronha  |  Aug 3, 2022
5 Tips That Will Help You Care For The Delicate Area Around Your Eyes

It isn’t hard to notice that the skin around your eyes is slightly different from the rest of your face. It’s great that this area never experiences breakouts (thank goodness) but there are other skin conditions that you can face. Dark circles, wrinkles, bumpy skin, dry skin, and sagging skin are the kind of problems that are most prominent in this area and that’s because the skin there is much more delicate. You can hope to have clear skin and achieve all your glow goals but not without tending to the skin around your eyes the right way. So whether you’ve been messing up your under eye skincare regime or simply aren’t aware of how to treat the area, here’s an essential guide.

5 Skincare Tips For Healthy Skin Around Your Eyes


Eye Cream Not Face Cream

While we can all agree this area of skin is more delicate than the rest of your face, it is also highly prone to dryness. Not to forget, that if you rub your eyes a lot, there’s more damage being caused to this delicate area. That’s why using an eye cream, eye gel, or eye serum aside from your face moisturiser is important. Eye creams, gels, and serums are more moisture intensive so that the formulas can penetrate your skin and begin the healing process. Since you may be using a lightweight moisturiser for your face so that your skin isn’t greasy, upping the moisture with an eye cream, gel, or serum will ensure targeted hydration for the skin in this area.

Actives For Under Eye Care

In case you’re experiencing dark circles or bumpy dry skin around your eyes, add an eye treatment skincare product that has active ingredients in its formulation. A good practise is to always extend the use of your face serums up to your eye areas as well as that will ensure it gets treated with active ingredients. If a serum isn’t part of your routine, opt for retinol-infused eye creams or a Vitamin C-infused eye mask as they are the best at getting rid of dark circles and tightening sagging skin.

Put A Ring On It

Do not use excessive force when applying products around this area. Aggressive application can do more damage than good. Use your ring fingers or pinky fingers to apply products as it will result in using gentle pressure and nothing else. These fingers will also allow you to reach the tiny contours of your eyes better without letting the product enter in your eyes. If that doesn’t work for you, opt for a eye skincare product that has a roll-on applicator head which allows you to apply the product without excessive force while delivering a soothing and sculpting effect.

SPF Checklist

Sunscreen is a non-negotiable when it comes to skincare. If you aren’t getting your daily dose of SPF, chances are the skin around your eyes is suffering because of sun damage. Harmful UV rays will accelerate the skin ageing process and this means more prominent wrinkles and fine around the eyes. So wear sunscreen on your lids and under eyes as well along with the rest of your face and body.

Eye Lift

Facial massages will help depuff and detoxify the eye area, resulting in a brighter and rejuvenated gaze. As you focus on your cheekbones and jawline with facial massages, dedicate special attention to the eye area as well. Massage with your ring and pinky fingers or use a jade roller for best results. Always apply a facial oil or an oil-based eye serum on the area before massaging so that you get the perfect glide without tugging your skin.

Make note of these essential skincare tips so that the skin around your eyes is in perfect condition.

Featured Images: Pexels

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