The sight of your little one crying can worry you for sure. However, it’s common for babies to cry a total of two to three hours a day. This is because crying helps serve various purposes and may help communicate your baby’s different emotions. In some cases, their crying may also just signify their need for attention and care. As a new parent, all of your baby’s cries may seem the same to you, but don’t worry, as time passes, you may be able to become a pro and tell apart the various types of cries and also learn ways to manage them effectively.
Why Do Newborns Cry?
All babies cry, and they do so to communicate with their mums and dads. Since babies cannot talk, crying works as an innate natural way to share their emotions and feelings, often related to their basic needs. We have listed some of the other common reasons babies may cry so you know the next steps to soothe them:
- Sleepiness
- Hunger
- Overfeeding
- Colic
- Soiled diaper
- Uncomfortable clothing
- Need for attention and cuddling
- Pain or discomfort
Additionally, some breastfeeding babies can cry as an effect of the food items consumed by the mum. For example, lactating mums who consume too much coffee may experience their babies crying more than usual. This is because caffeine can reach the baby through breast milk and cause crankiness and fussiness in the baby, and also lead to difficulty in sleeping.
3 Different Types Of Baby Cries
While it may be difficult for you to distinguish between the different baby cries at first, you may gradually notice certain types of cries or the specific actions associated with the cries. While these cries may vary from one baby to another, they are mostly associated with their basic needs.
Hungry Cry
Newborns feed about eight to 12 times a day and the only way to express their hunger is by crying. These cries stop once you address their needs and initiate feeding. Feeding will also help calm your baby and keep them satiated. In some cases, your baby’s cries due to hunger may turn into loud wails if you do not address them on time.
Sleepy Cry
As you know, newborns sleep close to 16 to 18 hours a day. If your baby is not placed to sleep timely, they may get tired and start crying. Additionally, if your baby wakes up all of a sudden after you’ve put them down to sleep and doesn’t find you anywhere near, they may start to cry excessively. However, these cries also subside once you hold them in your arms and cuddle them.
Uncomfortable Cry
This type of crying may occur due to a soiled diaper or unfavourable clothing and temperature. You may be able to tell this crying apart easily as it occurs outside the baby’s usual feeding and sleeping time. You may consider checking the temperature of your baby’s room and also their diaper. In some cases, a change of clothing may help calm your baby, especially if the weather is warm.
Helpful Tips To Soothe A Crying Baby
Most babies calm down once their fundamental needs such as changing diapers, feeding, and sleeping are addressed. However, there could be moments when your baby is overly cranky and fussy and you may need to put some extra effort to calm them down. You may try the following steps to soothe them:
- Take them out for a walk around your house or to a park in their stroller.
- Give them a warm bath with a moisturising baby wash containing nutrient-rich oils such as rose and strawberry. These oils hydrate and soothe your baby’s skin and also impart a soothing fragrance to relax your baby.
- Swaddle them gently in a warm blanket or cloth and cuddle with them.
- Omit all kinds of distractions and loud noises in the room where your baby is sleeping and play calming white noise.
- Gently rock your baby in your arms while smiling at them. You may also try singing or talking to them.
- In some cases, your baby may cry due to colic or discomfort due to gas. To soothe their tummy troubles, you can use a natural tummy relief roll-on with ingredients like hing oil, ginger oil, peppermint oil, and fennel oil to soothe the abdominal muscles, reduce cramps by aiding digestion, and treat discomfort due to bloating.
When To See A Doctor
If your baby is crying excessively in the following scenarios, you should consult their paediatrician immediately:
- The baby is crying when you touch their abdomen or any other part of their body, indicating they are in pain.
- If your baby’s cries are accompanied by vomiting, fever, or pale skin. This may indicate an illness.
- If your baby continues to cry for several hours at a stretch and doesn’t stop even after their needs are addressed. This could be an indication of colic.
While babies cry frequently in the first few months after birth, dealing with them can be physically and emotionally demanding for parents. Learning to differentiate between the different cries may help parents soothe their babies effectively. Apart from that methods such as swaddling or cuddling them, giving them a warm bath, or applying a tummy relief roll-on to reduce stomach discomforts can also help ease their cries.